I have Sonics ulimate genesis collection Marvel vs capcom 3 Little big plaent Little Big planet 2 Uncharted 2 Sports champions and Naruto shippuden uns2. I had 13 others but sold them. I had aps3 for a year now. Next games will be uncharted 3 portal 2 and Mk9
I just wanted to see who hee upload some video using the ps3. I do sometimes when Im bored I just do a video of uncharted 2 or lbp2 and just upload by the ps3. Write in the comments if you upload using the ps3. Sorry I typed fast and Im sick so I hope this make sense.
I take care of my ps3 and clean t and stuff but like every week it freezes at least one its a slim and I got it in March. Do you think its ok because I dont want it to break I got a lot of stuff on little big planet.
So I wa playing naruto uns2 not online and some person that I didnt know sent me the n word then he sent me sothing real nasty I cant say and I reported him and blocked him. Will sony do something to that person and can he make a new online name and hunt me. please write back. sorry if misspelled.
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