Before I continue my story, I'm going to make this a weekly series with 4-5 installments, I haven't decided yet.
I was without games for a while after my experiences solving puzzles out in the sands of Tatooine. But then, when I was 6-7 years old, my sister (who is 13 years older then me) got Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone game for the PC. I think that I either pestered a lot or she wanted me to stop bothering her for something else that she let me play it. It was a bad idea, because I was hooked for a LONG TIME! (I pestered her all the time to play it!) I enjoyed the puzzles and challenges that it had. From learning spells to hiding from Filch, which took me forever to beat, and after, it made me the stealthiest guy EVER!!! I had been hooked; it kinda is like the guideline for every other game I tried thereafter...
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