So they all look basically the same apart from at last gen with the ps3 coming in last. I think GS should do another video for just XB1 & PS4 and remove the names. Just have A & B as the names then let people vote for which system they think looked better, see what they come up with.
The entire game works fine , all campaigns 1,2,3,4 - Co op - Local MP - Custom online MP - Forge. The only thing thats having trouble is online matchmaking which you can still play, its takes a bit longer to get a game.
Added extra LMAO it was on the disc, so how did they add it afterwards, thats pony nonsense. they had a whole month to get mp right still messed it up and still no heist as of yet.
@ecurl143 @henrym01 Please explain blatant cash in as you're getting 4 games plus 106 MP maps + other extras.
I don't think you have a clue what works in the game and what doesn't. As the rest of the game works fine. All campaigns 1,2,3,4. Local MP & Co op. Online MP customs games & forge. It's only having connection issues for online MP ranked/casual.
@Martyr77 @Stevo_the_gamer So do you agree that TLOU was a complete cash grab as all they did was re rendered it at a higher rez at slap it back on disc. Literally nothing about the game changed apart from the rez bump and being released again 8 months later.
LiquidGold's comments