LiquidShnake's forum posts
That's quite good I might get it as there's only this and dragon age for WRPG's this year. I thought this looked **** to be honest but they must have fixed it up since then.
Hello TC.
Here's how I know you're lying:
This is a comparison of FIFA 09 on the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360.
"So, all in all, an excellent showing from EA. In truth, the FIFA games have always been just as good on either platform, with only minor technical differences, and this year's showing continues that rich vein of form."
"Some aliasing around player models and the framerate hitches on occasion in Be A Pro, but most everything else is in top form. Graphically, the game is just as sharp as it was last year with very few improvements aside from the aforementioned animations. The grass looks green and sharp and the player models have some solid detail, especially in the Be A Pro camera angle and in close-ups. The only real gripe I have is that some of the less important animations (players getting ready before the opening kick) repeat way too often. Celebrations could be a bit more dynamic as well."
Actually Fifa 09 looked **** on PS3 it was really blury compared to the 360 version, this years looks good though better than the 360 version and I should know I've played both on a HDTV unlike TC.
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