they made it so you can swim on your horse....finally
epic, but not epic enough for me to come back and gather welfare epics. I miss Bwl, AQ, Naxx when it was actually hard. Hell id even go to molten core with 40 ppl to gather 2 epics off each boss. Whats wraths epic drop rate? Well this generic dragon here drops 6 t10 helms as well as 3 legendary swords as well as a minimum of 14 random epics. (10 man) Same generic dragon 25 t10.5 helms 25 t10.5 chest peices, 25 t10.5 goves, 25 t10.5 pants, 25 2h axes/swords/staves, 20 wands, as well as 100 random epics. (all gear has 1300 gem slots as well as the bosses having patterns for all crafters to add another 1000 gem slots) 25 MAN HEROIC. /fAcepalm
Yeah. It was actually epic to see people with top gear in preBC. Now, it's just meh.
Quit after playing BC for a few levels, not going back.
Human, Then again if the robots were so evolved that I wouldn't see the difference (both on the outside and mentally) I wouldn't care. By mentally evolved I'd mean really evolved, like free thinking, creativity aso. JUST LIKE HUMANs. Not preprogrammed stuff.
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