Yes. I just joined and I've been "Moderated" twice. Gs has some pretty ridiculous rules to be honest.
Yeah, how dare us not allow you to propagate your marijuana usage in your sig or banner.
I couldn't imagine how harrowing it must be to be a female poster on a male dominated site like this.
You'd have to pick through all the creepy emails to find the moderations and union requests.
I usually stand over female posters and breathe heavily behind them to make the creepiness I receive less severe. I guess the double whammy would be for the female mods we have :?
I'm afraid it wasn't a kannabis leaf, but a similiar looking plant. Then again, it's not worth it.
I don't have a choice. When the time comes I need to go to the army or to prison. Or I could go wipe elders bottoms and such. The service is obligatory :)
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