Denzel Washington in American Gangster.
Listen_420's forum posts
To me it looks like another shot at 15 minutes of fame. Jackson was weird without this thing anyway.
Ok, So I was watching Max Payne once again and there was one thing going through my mind the entire time... "WHY!?" Seriously, its like the people who made the movie had never heard of Max Payne before the movie came out. Why can't Games to Movie transitions be Copy Pastte jobs? I want 1:1 copy paste ratios. Why does every Jonny Noobsauce writer feel that they should "reinvent" the series? Just starting off, Why is Lupino latino? First I've heard of Italian Mobsters hiring latinos And Michelle Payne... I know this is a minor grievance but I want her blond hair back!
Ok, so the above to 2 points were a bit nitpicky, but now down to the real deal. Aesir Corp. Why did Michelle work for Aesir Corp in the movie? Why didnt they just leave her as a part-time worker at the DA's Office? So stupid, and WTF is up with Max's relationship with Horne? Thats just idiotic! Why did the damn writer feel the need to change so much of the core story? Couldn't they find a writer who had actually played the game rather than just wikipedia-ed it?
But you know what's my biggest gripe with the movie? The lack of Max Payne lines. I cannot stress how terrible this is. 80% of the games character came from Max Payne overly melodramatic and metaphorical banter. "The sun went down with practiced bravado"...who says that? Max Payne! Thats who! Why would anyone want to change this!?
People who watch movies based on games already know the story. We are watching it BECAUSE we know the story. You don't need to change it to "surprise" us. It's like changing the story of a movie based on a book. People who are watching it are watching it because they liked the book, just the way it was! No need to try and "improve it".
And don't even get me started on V. No where in Max Payne have I ever seen flying demons arise as a result of V overdose. And WTF is up with the blue V? Its like the writer seriously wiki-ed the game. Anyone who has played the game, knows how well the "green" color is used within the game as a motif. Infact, it is used so well that its not replaceable. To the average person who has never played the game saying "Yeah, lets change the color from green to blue" would seem like a normal and trivial change that no one would mind, but if you've actually played the damn game, you'll see that its a big change. I loved how in the comic panels everything would get a green tint in the presence of V and Max Payne's dreams would have a green mist around it. And why does everyone hallucinate the same thing? Wouldnt each and every person have their own different nightmares rather than the crappy winged creatures?
Copy Paste...that's all I ask for. They should have started the movie on top of the Aesir building with Max Payne saying "They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger. And then it was over." And then it should have proceed to Roscoe street station heist. They could cut out a few areas in order to make the length more manageable, but don't try to "embelish" on the story! And they should have had Max Payne narrating all throughout the movie.
If Video Game movies did a simple case of Copy Paste, I suspect they would all get better recption but ever Noobsauce writer and director thinks they can do a better job than the people who put their time, money and love into making the game in the first place.
What do you guys think? Would you appreciate a more "Copy Paste" approach until people start taking the genre more seriously, or are you ok with this "let just make it up as we go" trash Hollywood is doing?
That would not lead to anything good...wiidskirbyIt leads to more good things you'd think. And I didin't spoil the movie at all :D
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