I'm sure I'll be banned really soon. I just wanna let you guys know I really enjoyed my time with you.
Loco_Live Blog
I'll be banned soon.
by Loco_Live on Comments
I have two pages of moderations and the mods are after me like a monkey to a banana.
Playing Kingdom Hearts: BBS
by Loco_Live on Comments
So this is my first Kingdom Hearts game. My brother bought it and I'm playing it, lol. Yay for siblings, free games :P
I'm a little over three hours in, playing as Terra. I like the game so far. I really like the graphics, which are artistically pleasing. I also like the music and overall characters, mostly the Disney ones. The combat is okay, I think Crisis Core did it better though. I don't really understand the story. I'm still trying to figure out why I'm looking for Xeanhort or however you spell it.
So yeah, it's pretty good so far - besides the load times. Holy christ what were they thinking. Even with installation it takes forever.
Oh, and college starts up next week. Thank goodness. I'm ready for some learning, socializn' and not going to work as muchan'.
Last blog post of the year.
by Loco_Live on Comments
▲ This is it. 2010 was a great year for me I guess. I accomplished a lot. I finaly graduated highschool, I got my driving license and a car. I got my first job, which I hate. And I worked up th guts to sing infront of people, now I'm in a band. I also started college this year.
However, I'm still unsatisfied. I feel like I should be somewhere else, doing something else.
Next year I plan on getting my first Girlfriend and finally lose my virginity lol. And deffinetly get a new job.
What are your plans for next year? What changes do you want to make in your life? What have you accomplished this year that you're proud of? ▲
I'm replaying Halo: Combat Evolved.
by Loco_Live on Comments
▲ Why is this game so much harder than I remembered? Holy cow I keep on dieing. This game is so rage inducing, FUUUUUUUUUUU ▲
I defeated Mass Effect 2. *spoilers*
by Loco_Live on Comments
▲ Yup, took me a while, but I beat it. It took me 32 hours, including some DLC. An hour less than the original.
At first I disliked the differences in the sequel, but the game still had me glued in. The character loyalty missions kind of dragged on. And the RPG elements were missed. The ending was just okay. Also, the combat felt more limiting than the original. There was less emphasis on special attacks and your side characters were less interesting to use and less helpful. Also, there is one weapon in this game I absolutly hate, it's one of the assult riffles. It just shoots in small bursts damn annoying. It requires constant reloading to. Planet scanning was bs, as well was the fuel and probes. the citadel was needlessly changed. I played this on my xbro and disliked changing discs.
ENOUGH with the negatives. I liked the game. It was fun, more so than the original. 8.0. The final boss was creepy as hell also.
Who did I romance?
Miranda. She's god tier. Her enhanced genetics makes for good baby making
Who died?
Zaeed. I felt nothing for him.
Thane. He was going to die anyways.
Tali. I don't know why, she was just laying on the floor. Oh well, kind of dissapointing, I could have used her help in ME3.
My Shephard survived. Joker is kick ass.
Now, off to play another BIOWARE game. Effing love WRPGs. ▲
Mass Effect 2 - First Impressions.
by Loco_Live on Comments
▲ I've gotten as far as getting on the new Normandy.
I dislike change. The combat is a bit different, and my squad mates seem to be even stupider. Glitches still remain. You still don't have complete freedom, the dialogue is limited. And once again, what you pick is not always what you mean. The options arent discriptive enough. The new mini games to open vaults and things like that are just stupid and annoying. I dislike the change of health bars.
I dunno man...so far i liked the first one better. ▲
I finished Mass Effect
by Loco_Live on Comments
▲ It was a pretty good game, I must say. Surely it had a lot of problems, but it was mostly enjoyable. Some issues were the length, it was too short. I beat it in roughly 33 hours and I did most of the side quests. It was also pretty easy, I think I played on normal difficulty. There were other problems, but this is not a review. I already bought Mass Effect 2, it should be here wednesday. ▲
Mass Effect gave me a seizure.
by Loco_Live on Comments
▲ There I was, in the middle of a gaming session - 2am. I'm firing at a bunch of droids. The walls are red and blue surrounds. Flashing due to gun shots. Next thing I know I'm in the hospita and now my face is all messed up. I wish developers would choose colors more wisely. ▲
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