notice how the ps2 had a dvd player that worked right out of the box, the xbox you had to have an extra 20 or 30 $ controller to watch dvd and the cube had none and was in a distant third, the main thing when im trying to sell a system that no one knows much about is what tv set up do they have if they have HD and are new to gaming ill suggest the ps3 they need all the help they can get, alot still rides on format but since DVD players are so cheap and every where, it isnt as huge this time around.Decoy123*sigh* yeah GRRR *shakes fist up at the sky* WHY ARE YOU SO CONVIENT SONY WHY!!!! But I guess what comes down in the end is convient and knoledge about the system.
Lone-Wonder-er's forum posts
I still have and love my Dreamcast. I boycotted the PS2 when it came out, gave all my gaming money to Sega. Didn't buy a PS2 until support for the DC was pulled in 2001. I miss Phantasy Star online.ItsEvolutionI know what you mean I hated sony but look what happend now *sigh* well any who DC had the coolist games ever if PS2 didnt release on time or realesed later it would have had a chance to fly!!!!
Well, I haven't played SH: Homecoming but I have played Condemned and I gotta say that some of my scariest video game moments are in Condemned. In short, I say get Condemned, it's too cheap and good to pass up!rattleheadxyzI know what you me I loved silent hill for its grusome moments and monsters along with the hart pondong adralanine I get from it.
Most gamers look back fondly on the dreamcast. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it other than Sega made mistakes in the past and people were more interested in PS2saruman354
*nods head* I agree the graphics We're awsome The game play was smooth every thing was right with it but at least dream cast is still popular in Japan
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