Lonzac's forum posts
Also MMOs are really social. I've recently been sucked into city of heroes which is very much about teaming with other players online and has a great community. As some one mentioned, game forums are very busy, tis one of the reasons i've not been around much, i've been stuck in COH and it's forums.
Monaco, Great Britainmetalgear-solid
What's wrong with Silverstone? Ok the facilities aren't the greatest, but the track is great.
Yeah, for the first time one gamespot i feel young, or should that be i don't feel old, at 23. It's nice being here, can't stand some of the boards because of inmature kids.
No worries, i'll yield to your knowledge as i have not alot of experience with this sort of thing, but inorganic chemistry i can do :D
When I try to copy/paste here I get an error that you can't paste due to a security setting, but I find that if I click the "<>" button, I can then paste w/ no problem.
Are you using Firefox? if so, shift + insert works for pasting.
[QUOTE="kiwidust"][This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]kiwidustI didn't delete this message... Damn I'm getting sick of these problems. They 'll get ironed out with time. Anyway, hello. I'm 23 and live in Sheffield, England. I've been gaming since i was 7 or 8. I was given an old atari someone in the family didn't want and not looked back really. Through the years i've collected a number of systems, commador 64, NES, mega drive, ps and ps2, along with an original gameboy and a GBA SP. I'm a big fan of the final fantasy series, which i was introduced to by a housemate during my degree, and been waiting over a year for FF12. I studied Chemistry at university in Sheffield and am now in second year of a Phd in chemistry, still in Sheffield. When i'm not at work or gaming, i enjoy watching sci-fi or being in the pub with my friends. I'm looking forward to this union being a great success. Nice to meet everyone.
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