[QUOTE="Moon_Tzu"][QUOTE="LookJohnnySaid"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"] One would think... but e-popularity means a lot to some people. you are damn right it does Which user are we talking about? me
[QUOTE="EntropyWins"][QUOTE="LookJohnnySaid"]good idea dystopian I can see why GS unbanned you Because the admins hate each and every one of us? i think you forgot the :P
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Or just wonder why the user feels the need to hide behind an alt.....topsemag55
Agreed, I've never made one. They have no utility to them. I think it's lame if you can't make your point on your main. even mods have alts, are you questioning the mods?
[QUOTE="MushroomWig"][QUOTE="LookJohnnySaid"]probably LJS9502. he has a high post count and levelMissLibrarian
High post count and level =/= popular user. I think he may have been being a little sarcastic. LJS has a bit of a LJ chip on his shoulder it seems. im sorry, but all your acronyms got me quite confused. perhaps if you referred to users by their entire username to avoid this confusion.
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