As far as I am concerned there is one major reason why the Wii U hasn't taken off as well as Nintendo hoped it would. The way in which Nintendo have marketed the product has been dreadful. Now I can only speak from the perspective of someone living in the UK but hardly anyone that I know even knows what the Wii U is. That confusion all stems from the name of the console in my opinion. Had Nintendo simply called the Wii U the Wii 2 instead I believe the console would have sold a lot more right out of the gate. With so many casual gamers being responsible for the great Wii sales numbers Nintendo needed to ensure they got them on board for the Wii U as well. As a result of not making it clear that the Wii U was a new console they really shot themselves in the foot. A lot of parents probably believe that the Wii U is simply another add on just like Wii Fit was etc.
Also here in the UK I have hardly seen any adverts for the Wii U in the last year. In fact the only advert I remember seeing for any Wii U game was for Pikmin 3.
Now I'm not saying that marketing is Nintendo's only problem. Yes there are other issues but the majority of them have stemmed from low levels of product awareness.
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