Awesome! The San Diego Comic-con! The world's largest gathering of all things once used to be considered nerdy! Comic books! Graphic Novels! Video Games! Anime! Manga! Star Trek! Fantasy! Cosplay! Well...okay cosplay is generally still considered fairly nerdy but if you've seen some of the costumes that I've seen then you certainly wouldn't say that anymore.
W...wait a tick! Didn't the convention start yesterday? Why are you blogging about it already? Aren't you busy enough with the convention's goings on that you wouldn't have the time nor the presence of mind to bother writing about it now? Normally that would be true except this year, quite suddenly and unexpectedly, I am not attending.
Ahhhh, I see that puzzled look on your collective faces! I suppose I should be happy to know that I haven't geeked it up enough for those who know me online to fully understand the magnitude of what I have just stated -- or should I be concerned that I don't define myself well enough? Regardless let me see if I can sum it up in once sentence.
I have been attending the San Diego Comic-con every year since 1982. :|
That's right, every year since I graduated from High School I have somehow gotten my nerdy little butt down to San Diego in order to do some major shopping. Of course it was much, much, smaller then and I had so much less to shop with but in those days (insert old man voice here) conventions were pretty much the only way to find the anime/comic book kinds of things that bring people like myself a decent amount of happiness; or a least a distraction from the lack thereof.
So here I sit, uneasy and somewhat despondent. Everything I move seems to uncover reminders of conventions past and all the great people I've met and all the strange encounters I've experienced. The convention has gotten so big and out of control that many channels that I watch as well as online sites that I frequent, continously remind me of the exciting times happening down at the giant con in San Diego. Come on down it's great! We're having a special event at such and such location! Stop on by! Look how much fun we're having!!!
So to prevent this from devolving into a rather unseemly maudlin affair let me attempt to reinvigorate myself by helping to dispel two of the biggest misconceptions that exist about the San Diego Comic-con. These are iron clad guarantees as there is quite obviously no bigger expert on the San Diego Comic-con than myself. That's goes without saying right?
Nerds - It's almost impossible not to hear this word liberally tossed around when a writer is attempting to encapsulate the San Diego Comic-con going experience. Even more amusing, stations that supposedly cater to what are ostensibly nerd-oriented interests such as G4 will quite often use the word in the most derogatory manner almost as if they feel oppressed by their supposed presence and that they are just an unesscessary evil to avoid at all costs.
The truth? There are actually very few serious nerds at the San Diego Comic-con. They are out there, sure, sure. But this convention is quite a bit different from most conventions in that it's not focused on one main interest and as a result you have major percentage of average folks just wandering around looking for their particular interest. You'd actually be hard pressed to find a hardcore stereotypical comic book nerd amongst the throng but when you do, they do truly stand out as quite the anomaly.
Cosplayers - Yes you know...those people that you always read about and see on the internet. If you seen any report on the nightly news or from G4 you'll no doubt see quite a lot of these people. G4 in particular has this proclivity for rounding up large groups of cosplayers and has them fill the area behind their talent as they segue from report to report about various comic book movies on the horizon. Wow! There must be tons of them down there! It's the biggest convention after all! Right?
The truth? No. There's really not that many of them there percentage-wise. I'll admit that If you distilled all the non-constumed folks away from the mighty throng in attendance then indeed you could probably get quite a few buses full of cosplayers. But for a convention so large there just really aren't that many of them there and they tend to really stand out. Honest! If you ever see pictures of mine of lines involving hundreds of people that I stand in waiting for an event to start you'd be hard pressed to find anybody in a costume at all. I would say there's a costume bedecked person for every 200 people and that's being really, really generous.
Exceptions to the rule - On Saturday night there's the big costume award show so there are a bit more of them around although they are fairly concentrated in the specific areas that it's happening in (usually the Ballroom) so they're easy to completely miss. Also there are a couple of convention standards involving Star Wars stormtroopers and Klingons. The stormtroopers are very well organized and have very professional outfits as well as a rather smashing hierarchy. They make regular sweeps all over the convention site and are rather impressive sight. Then there's the Klingons...
The Klingons, not to be confused with any silly prat that puts on a rubber furrowed brow and pointy ears, but the serious Klingons are in full force at the SD con although they are a tight knit bunch so you may easily miss them. They hold Klingon rituals and rites of passage in various rooms as part of a scheduled performance. They are serious about what they do but they are not weird about it if that makes sense. They have been attending the SD for almost as long as I have and they have my utmost respect as, like the now organized and unionized Storm Troopers (no I'm not kidding), they are complete professionals. Also on a side note many of the Klingons are in reality really big beefy guys that could really, really, hurt you if you tried to get cute so just...don't.
Don't mess with the Klingons at the San Diego Comic-con. I can't stress that enough.
Oh man! That San Diego Comic-con really sounds like a lot of fun!
Did I ever tell you that I used to go to the San Diego Comic-con every year?
No really!
It was fun.
A lot of fun.
I'll tell you about it some day.
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