Sony would NOT hold a conference or make a HUGEannouncement about this. They would never stoop that low. And really, it's not that mind-boggling...
Two Problems with this thread:First, why is it's Sony's fault when a third-party developer screws the pooch. They have to step up and make their own game.And second, why tell us? Seriously, who cares if this one sports fanatic that we don't even know decides tobuy another console.
Wait....4d....hmmmm....I don't know what it is.But that's only because the PS3 hassn't decided to change the world into 4d. So don't make it angry...
Regardless of what you think about the PS3, this is dirty. No salesperson should try to change your purchase when you go up to pay for it. This has to stop. I'd actually be glad if there was a robot or self-check-out at stores so myou can skip the: Would you like a 2-year replacement plan? Pre-order now and save five dollars. Do you have any used games to trade in?etc.
Forget splitscreen multiplayer, the devs already said that the game hardware can't handle it.But more maps, AWESOME!!!
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