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I'm still alive

Hey guys. I haven't been around much, but I'm still alive. I have started school and am still getting into the groove of things, so I haven't been around as much.

But I came back to find that TV.com looks completely different! What the heck?! I usually hate when websites change their layout, but this is terrible. When GameFAQs.com changed I hated it for the same reason as I hate this new layout: the new one is just rough on the eyes. The old GameFAQs was a nice cool purple and blue website, but then everything became bright white with small text, just like this. Luckily I found a script for GameFAQs which reverts it to the old style, but with TV.com I'm stuck with it. My eyes are pretty sensitive and this is just rough to look at. Anyone else feel the same way?

I'm back!

Well, I'm back from my vacation at the beach. I have mixed feelings about it of course. For one thing I like being home, but it also means I start school this Wednesday :(

Oh well, this also means I'll be on TV.com a little more often, but I still have school work to worry about D:

Going to the shore for the month of August

Hey everyone. I'm currently at the shore, so you're going to notice a change in my posting habbits. I won't be posting as much (I'm leeching someone's internet down here and can't get grea connections :P), but I will be around every once in a while. I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!

Lord Moe's #1 Anime (and #1 TV show in general) of All Time!!!

Finally! We've reached #1!!! If you've been keeping track every day, thanks a lot! For those of you who haven't been keeping track, let's do a re-cap!

10. Strawberry Panic

9. Cowboy Bebop

8. Romeo x Juliet

7. Lucky Star

6. Elfen Lied

5. School Days

4. Azumanga Daioh

3. Rozen Maiden

2. Death Note

And now for our #1!

OUR #1 IS...

Yu Yu Hakusho!

Okay, if you know me, you knew what was going to be number one :P. Yu Yu Hakusho is just that good. But what makes the anime so good, let alone better than Death note (in my opinion)? Well, let's talk about the story first.

"Yusuke Urameshi, 14 years old. A truly obnoxious punk. The star of this manga? You're looking at him! Problem is, he died."

Yep, that's right. When the show starts and you're introduced to the main character, you find out that he just died. Pretty creative I think. He floats around as a ghost trying to figure out what's going on, and when he finally comes to the conclusion that he's a ghost he meets a girl named Botan, the Pilot of the River Styx, known as the "Grim Reaper" in some cultures. Yusuke must go through an ordeal to win his life back. When he gets his life back, the prince of the Spirit World, Koenma, assigns him as the spirit detective of Earth.

What is a spirit detective you ask? A spirit detective takes on the cases of the spirit world, whether it's getting a stolen Spirit World artifact back from a thief or hunting down a dangerous demon bent on destruction.

Yu Yu Hakusho has so much going for it. Comedy (especially if you're watching the dub), drama, great action, good music, GREAT character development, everything! It is a show that keeps getting better and better (except for the last arc, but the arc before that is the best anime arc ever in my opinion, so how can you blame it?). It also has some very good villains!

I'm sure most of you have heard of this show. But if you haven't, or haven't seen it, check it out!! I'll warn you, it's 112 episodes long, but it's worth it! Yu Yu Hakusho is known for having almost no filler. But the filler they have in it is great. It is also a common opinion that the anime is better than the manga. It is ALSO a common opinion that the dub is better than the sub!! Wow, Yu Yu Hakusho is just different isn't it? Yu Yu Hakusho, in my opinion, has the best dub out there (yes, better than Cowboy Bebop. Don't tell me it isn't).

Really, I can't recommend this enough. This show seriously changed my life and it will ALWAYS be my #1 show of all time.

Lord Moe's Top 10 Anime List: #2

We're almost at #1 folks! Let's take a look at #2, the anime that stole Rozen Maiden's place in my list

2. Death Note

Now this show is a hard hitter. Death Note is a story about a 17 year old boy named Light Yagami. One day he's sitting in school, thinking about the world. He sees the world as "Rotten". Suddenly, when looking out the window at school, a black notebook falls from the sky and lands in the schoolyard. After lessons finish, Light decides to see if the notebook is still there, and it is. On the front, in white, scratchy handwriting are the words"Death Note". He opens the book and finds a "How to use" section. It says that if you write down someone's name, while imagining their face in your head, they will die. Light dismisses it as a joke, but his curiosity gets to him and he eventually tests it out. When he finds that it is real, he is terrified of what he did. But he remembers what he was thinking earlier, about how the world is rotten. He decides to clean the world of all criminals and evildoers, and wishes to be the god of the new world.

Now if that alone doesn't pique your interest even a little bit, I'm surprised. This is a series that drags you in and doesn't let go. A true battle of wits between two people who have their own ideas of justice. There are just so many things to say about this show. An ingenius story with incredibly deep and memorable characters. Truly a masterpiece.

Another thing to note about this is the music. While the opening song to the first arc is an acquired taste (I hated it at first), the background music during the show is what I'm tlaking about. Whether it's a soft, distorted guitar ballad or a gothic choir, the BGM (background music) always fits very well and is great to listen to (I actually have the soundtracks).

I watched the English dub of this, and I thought it was good. I've heard it in the original japanese, but havent' watched enough of the original to say which I prefer. So if you're a fan of English dubs, I recommend it. It is done by Viz media, and they do a great job with it. So whether your a fan of subs or dubs, I very highly recommend this show to anyone, especially if you like your shows with more logic than action.

Lord Moe's Top 10 Anime List: #3

Hey there! We've made it to the top 3, so let's get started!

3. Rozen Maiden

Rozen Maiden is a very unique show, and I loved it right away. The story revolves around a boy named Jun Sakurada. One day Jun gets a strange letter saying that he has won a prize. To win, he must choose whether he will "Wind" or "Not Wind". Without much thought to it, he chooses "Wind". The instructions then tell him to put the letter into his desk drawer, and says that the spirit Holie will pick it up. Jun enjoys all this, and plays along. But he is confused when he finds a strange briefcase in the middle of his roomshortly thereafter. He opens the case and finds a dool inside.Thedoll is very detailed and cleverly made. It is also quite heavy. He finds a hole in its back andfigures that it's one of those wind-up dolls. So, he does what anyone else would do, and he "winds" it up. Suddenly, the doll comes to life!!

The story continues with Jun meeting more dolls, and watching them compete in the "Alice Game". Years ago, the man known only as "Rozen" tried to create the perfect girl, Alice. But each doll fell short of being that perfect girl. Rozen created the Alice Game to remedy that. The Alice Game is a contest in which the dolls must fight and destroy eachother to become Alice and to make "Father" happy.

This show has it all. It has comedy, drama, sadness, happiness, mystery, plot-twists, and even good fight scenes (yes, better than making Barbie dolls fight). But the thing that makes this series my 3rd favorite is the characters. This is truly a character driven show. If you don't like the characters, you probably won't like the show. This show also excells in great music. The opening songs are...acquired tastes, but the background music (and specifically theclosing song for the 2nd season) are great.

This show used to be in my #2 spot, but was moved down due to another show taking its place. It was hard for me to do it, but it happened. I very highly suggest this show to anyone interested. I will say, it's not for everyone. But I will also say that this show far exceeds any kind of expectations. It's just about the same story for everyone. So check it out. There are two seasons, each with 12 episodes. And there is also a two-episode special which you should check out if you're a fan. It really sheds light on some things.

Come back tomorrow for the anime that took Rozen Maiden's place!

Lord Moe's Top 10 Anime List: #4

Hey there viewers. We're alost at my top 3, but let's first take a look at my #4 pick!
























4. Azumanga Daioh

I checked this out on a whim, and it was one of the best choices of my life. Azumanga Daioh follows a group of girls and their high school years.

"Wait...haven't we been through this?"

Well yeah, this bears a striking resemblance to Lucky Star when I put it that way. But trust me, there's a big difference.Whenit comes to slice-of-life, Azumanga Daioh is what I like to call "the best of its kind." And the thing that makes this series truly worthwhile is its characters. Whether you're a fan of Osaka's spaceyness, Chiyo-chan's cuteness, or Tomo-chan's brashness, if you're a fanof slice of life comedy, you'll like this show.

I'm having a hard time writing about this series for two reasons:

1. Not a lot happens.

2. Far too much happens to talk about.

And I know I just contradicted myself, but if you see/saw this series you will know what I mean. Azumanga is one of those shows that you very, truly miss once it's over. I've seen the series twice, and I still miss it everytime I see a picture (even though I can go back and watch it whenever I want, lol). It's just the sense that once you near the end, you realize that you could probably follow these characters for the rest of their lives. You get so attached to them and don't want to say goodbye to the series, but all good things come to and end.

I very highly recommend this to anyone. Also...I do not recommend the dub. Who knows, you might like it. But I don't like it.

Note: Pronounced "Ah-Zoo-Manga Dah-ee-oh"

Lord Moe's Top 10 Anime List: #5

Hey!! We've reached the mid-way point of my Top 10 Anime List. Here's #5!!







































5. School Days

Ah "School Days". What a pleasant surprise. Don't let the above picture fool you, this isn't some cutesy teenage girl drama. Oh no. A show with some of the most hated characters of any media, in my opinion, this show will have you truly loathing just about every character, yetmake you come back for more punishment. I'm serious when I say that there were a total of two characters I liked at the end.

The show starts off nice enough. A boy named Makoto sees a girl on the train to school every morning, but is too shy to get to know her. So his friend, Sekai, sets the two of them up. The problem: Sekai likes Makoto. At first it seems like Sekai is the nicest person in the world and is being such a martyr for setting this up. But don't worry, things get ugly.

I think this anime has one of the best endings ever. of course I won't spoil anything about this show, but you have to see it to believe it. I predicted the ending, but it wasn't the kind where you say "Wow...that was so predictable.' it was the kind where you're like 'Thank God!! It finally happened!!"This has often been described as "A slice of life romance gone wrong." And that fits it perfectly. A visual depiction of this show is the downward spiral.

Now, this anime isn't for kids. It's not as mature as Elfen Lied, but it's not for kids. I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it. It exceeds expectations.

Nice boat btw.

Lord Moe's Top 10 Anime List: #6

Hey guys and gals! Moe here! We're currently on day 5 of our count up to my #1 anime, and here's #6!

6. Elfen Lied

The most memorable first 7 minutes of a show that I've ever seen. If you've seen Elfen Lied, you know what I'm talking about.

We've taken a turn into something darker for my #6 choice. Elfen Lied revolves around a girl named Lucy, a Diclonius. A Diclonius is basically someone who was born with a birth defect that gives them unspeakable power. Therefore, they are kept locked up.

I could tell you how it starts, but I don't even want to do that! It's such a great opening.

There's not much to say about this anime. It's just great. It's bloody, dark, depressing, and sometimes even funny and cute. There's a lot of good qualities to this show. If you want something mature, I'd suggest checking this out. It's not for eveyrone. And just for the record:

WARNING: This anime is rated for mature audiences. It contains extreme violence, blood and gore, nudity and bad language.


In conclusion, it's a great anime. I'm sorry I couldn't give you much about it, but this show is heavily plot driven, and I don't want to spoil anything. It's a very creative show, and I'd almost go as far as to say that it is artful. I'd check it out, it's only about 13 episodes if I recall correctly.


the opening song is beautiful.

Lord Moe's Top 10 Anime List: #7

Hey there! We're on day 4 of counting up to my #1 anime. Today we're on #7, so let's get started.


































#7. Lucky Star

Lucky Star. You either loved it or hated it. I loved it, but it wasn't always like that. Lucky Star isn't for everyone, I will say that. The first time I decided to check it out, I only got halfway through the first episode and dismissed it as "trash". About a month later, I gave it another try. It wasn't as bad as I had remembere, so I decided to continue watching the series.


I ended up finishing the series and loving it. What is it about you ask? Well...not much actually, but that just adds to the charm! Lucky Star is a slice-of-life anime (a genre which I'm very fond of) about four girls going through their high school years. Lot's of quirky subjects come up, and I found it to be very funny. There's also a lot of anime references in the show. If you're not a fan of slice-of-life, than don't watch this. You probably won't like it. Like I said, wherever I go the sides are divided into lovers and haters of this show. You might watch it and become a hater, that's okay with me. Butif you like this kind of stuff, watch it! I think you'll like it!


Just so you know they get a new director a few episodes in, and it gets much better ;)

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