Dragon Ball Z Suggestions
Realistic explosives
Super Power Ups when player change up the ground breaks up around them and pieces of rocks start to float in the air
Better blocking like when player times his block to a player attackhe can catch/grab fist or feet
Bigger fighting arena this next gen please bigger is better
Desuctible enviroments when i do a energy and it hits the ground i want to see a crater in the ground
Faster Flying speeds also be able to crash people while flying
Players can deflect bigger energy attacks like the inshow i seen khamhela deflected why not on the game
Injures effect player ablitiy to attack and defend him if he has a broken arm then it should limit his attacks he can use
Free Roam map need to be way bigger in story mode
DragonBall Z Saiyan Saga to Dragonball GT Dragonball Z movies as well
Energy Tug of War
Hyper Attack Speed : have the ability hit your opponet with super attack rapid punches kicks and Rapid fire Ki attacks
The fighter should do more talkin in game like on the show
Online server should be free roam world system you travel to different arenas of different worlds to fight people Online Messaging System Online Fight Clans Online Tag Team Fight Online Ranking System
Online create your charcter select human saiyan etc.
Online Level Up System that is infinte
Online Tag team fighting you have ability to take the Finshing moves for your weaker/damage teammate like Picolo did for Gohan in Saiyan Saga
New Storylines in the game
if anyone else got suggestions please speak your mind
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