@Sorciere_basic @Vienreich While I'm enjoying Payday 2, I hear what you are saying. I miss more thoughtful and realistic close quarters games like R6: Rogue Spear and SWAT 4. Payday 2 is a step in the right direction of bringing those games back, however, as it does call for cooperation and better planning. Yes single-player is almost nonexistent but MP is more fun when a group will plot and execute rather than just rush.
@highlanderjimd Actually it didn't get a lot of hype. A lot of game magazines had little to say on the game until it came out. According to the article above it was only the 4th best seller for the month so I wouldn't think there was a lot of "hype" surrounding it. It got modest reviews because people who played it with sheer force completed the game quickly so I wouldn't say it was overrated. It is, however, a great game for those of us who miss the old days of Thief, the original Assassin's Creed, and games where you actually have to stop and think rather than breathe through your mouth and mash buttons.
@lucas-lla I understand your point of view but I disagree. If the game isn't running right then it shouldn't be on the market. Unless EA is willing to offer rebates to those who have already payed full price for a game that doesn't run, then they shouldn't be taking money for their broken game at all.
Lord_Tigger's comments