The PS3 and 360 already have a few games that use FXAA. Post-process AA is nothing new. Almost all Sony's first-party games since God of War 3 use MLAA which uses the SPUs in the CELL to perform anti-aliasing.
@MontyPython4-r It is for the DS but there's also a version for the PS3. I wish Level-5 would release the DS version in the US because it includes a cool hardcover book. But I guess nobody would buy a $60 DS game.
Wait? Why is he still fighting Elites and Grunts? I thought they were allies with Humans at the end of Halo 3. Also, shouldn't he be fighting a new alien type since he drifted into the unknown. If the Covenant is still out there shouldn't he be fighting Brutes? Or has Chief been frozen in time for years and Humans and Elites are fighting again?
@shadow551991 The games I mentioned weren't complexed at all. They were different, which makes them innovative. Where did I mentioned complex in my post? Have you seen Flower? You play as a the wind blowing flower petals around. My view on innovative is something that is different or something that hasn't been done before. I'm sorry to say, but Enslaved is neither one of those things. Good game yes, but unique/innovative... no. Even Gears of War was more unique because of it's covered based shooting, something that only Kill.Switch and Winback did before Gears made it popular. Also, Journey to the West has been made into videogames before. Just that they weren't released in the West. Or they were changed alot like Dragon Ball (originally based on "Journey to the West" until Dragon Ball Z).
@shadow551991 Enslaved wasn't an innovated game. It had a unique story but that's about it. Sure, it was a new franchise but it was based off the classic Chinese story "Journey to the West." The gameplay was hardly innovative, it's basically just a 3rd-person action-adventure platformer game. If you want innovative look at downloadable games like Flower or the upcoming Journey. If you want an innovative story look at Catherine.
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