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Lov2shop Blog


So I havent been on here in for ever. I almost forgot about the whole website. I opened my accout on here like 2 summers ago and I got a myspace last summer and thats taken over my whole life. Which I really glad I remembered I had this it gives me a chance to write which I really like to do. But anyways I dont really remember much about the site so I guess I will go look around.Hope everyone has a good day. Love, Me. =]

Epic Movie

This weekend me and my friend went and saw epic movie it was really funny!!!! I was so excited to c LC (from Laguna Beach) on there even though she was only in 1scene and had maybe like 3 lines, but she's still awesome!So yeah if you guys havent like seen it yet you so need to go see it!!!!

Hey u guys!!!!

Hey guys what is up I just wanted to wish u guys a early happy turkey day and all that good stuff because I dk when I'll be on tv.com agian so yeah!! But I gtg TTYL!!!!-Lindsay

Clean your pores

Okay I have one of those mask on that are suppose to clean out ur pores and it's so tight on my face!!! Omg I didnt think it would feel like this!!! Anywho I'll go wash it off later but I just wanted to share my excitment with u guys the weekend before Halloween one of my best friends is having a Halloween party and it's going to be awesome there's going to be a bonfire and everything!! I know awesomeness right??? yeah!! I;ve known about the party for weeks but just got the invitation 2 day and my friend told me who all was coming and I was pretty pleased with all the ppl she invited!!! Well I hope u guys have plans for halloween 2 and have a awesome time!!! Happy (extra early) Halloween!!!

Awesomeness Week Ever!!!!!!!!

Okay this week was like so awesome last saturday (I know that doesnt really count as this week but what ev okay) anyways we won districts and it was so awesome!!!! And to make it even better we had last friday-Monday off for fall break!!! It was so awesome. But I'm upset now because it's already saturday night! nooo I so dont want to go back to school!!!! Oh yeah I guess I should tell u guys what made this week so awesome........... well actually I'm not really sure it's just awesome and I had fun this week hanging out with friends being district champs and so on!!! Oh Gosh I love it!!!! Okay GtG Much Love- Lindsay

New Emblem

I got a new emblem for chating in the lost thing but i've never ever even seen lost but oh well!!!!!

    - Lindsay!!!!!!!!!!


Hey what is up u guys??? nm here. I was just wondering if u guys like my new banner I saw the blondy thing and I just thought oh that is so me because all my friend always call me blondy. I think it's a little bit to much yellow though and I like the one I've had 4 like ever the Lov2shop's Profile. Cause that ones pink ya know what I'm saying!!! And I love pink it's like the best color ever!!! Anyways I dk I might change it in a week or something.  Oh and yeah I gots a game tomorrow I'm so excited I'm going to have to pray to the soccer gods that it doesnt storm because we wouldnt be able to play then :( !!!!!!!! Okay I guess I'll go cause well I dk I just really dont have anything else to talk about so I'll talk to u peoples later!!! - Lindsay

PS. I'm not crazy or anything I know there's no such thing as soccer gods it's just a little thing that all the girls on the team say like if it looks like rain we say we have to pray to the soccer gods!!! Not crazy keep that in mind :)


Do anyone know if editors can put pictures on there persons page  because I want to put some pics of derrick on his page but I dk how. K thanks- Lindsay

I'm editor for 2 ppl !!!!!!!!!!

This is so awesome I'm editor for Derrick Kosinski and Danny Jamieson. Ahhhh I'm so excited!!!! Now I'm working on another person from the challenge which I will tell you guys who once I get to be there editor or if I get to be there editor!!!!

Oh and also I almost forgot to ask u guys...... I was on the real world road rules challenge page yesterday and I saw there was an elimanation game. I didnt know how to play it so I read what the author said to do but they didnt do a very good job explaining it. So it took me about an hour to find out who won. I have a feeling it shouldnt have taken that long so if any of u know how to play that game please help me out because it's starting to make me mad I want to know how play gosh nabit!!!!!

Okay....... sorry about that it wouldnt happen agian!!!! :oops: Anyways ................... Do u guys know who Rascal Flatts is I love them!!!! and Blake Shelton both are totally awesome!!!!! My favorite song from Rascal Flatts is either These Days or What hurts the most. And my favortie Blake Shelton song is Good bye time!!!!! If u havent heard any of those songs u needs to listen to them which I doubt u havent heard what hurts the most beause it's always playing on the radio here. But I dk!!!! Okay I guess I should go I cant believe I actually wrote a blog more then a paragraph long I'm so proud of myself!!!!! Yah me!!!! I gtg ttyl!!!!!!!!- Lindsay

Rainy Weekend

This weekend sucks it's been raining all weekend and it's cold I hate it. My soccer game got cancelled yesterday so that made it even worse. But oh well I guess I cant have everything my way but I can try to get it that way (am I right)!!!!! Anyways I found this really cute thing on someones myspace so I took it because I couldnt help myself!!!!- Lindsay