Lov2shop Blog
Fresh Meat Reunion
by Lov2shop on Comments
Okay if u watched the Fresh meat then you need to watch the reunion it's so funny!!! I just wish they would have had more of the cast there they only had Kenny, Tina, Evan, Coral, Theo, Casey, Diem, Wes, Johanna, Derrick, Aviv and Darrel there. I was hoping for some more people then there might have been a little bit more drama it would have made it more interesting!!! Okay so if you havent seen it head in over to overdrive and watch it I did last night and I loved it but if you just dont feel like watching it on overdrive it comes on Monday @ 10 (yeah it's that awesome). Anyways enjoy the rest of ur sunday and have a good week. - Lindsay
Go WeS And CaSeY!!!!!!!!!
by Lov2shop on Comments
I'm Bored
by Lov2shop on Comments
Hey u guys whats up nm here. I'm kind of bored but oh well I'm happy to be out of school. I'm listening to the time of my life from dirty dancing I love that song. Well I gtg so I'll ttyl!! Oh yeah u like the flag I dont know why I put it there I just thought it was pretty!!
Hey U Guys!!!!!!
by Lov2shop on Comments
Busy week!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Lov2shop on Comments
Okay this week I'm going to be sooooooo busy! Monday-Thursday I've got to go be a mentor for survivor camp and I've got to be there at 7:30 in the morning and I dont get to go home until 2:30. Then I've got soccer camp from 7-9 at night Monday-Friday! But I think it will be fun. I'm kind of excited about the whole suvivor camp thing cause I get to hang out with some of my friends. And we start school like next week I cant believe I've only got a week left of my summer I'm so sad!!!! This summer has gone by so fast I cant believe it. But I'll stop talking about how that my summer has gone by really fast!!!! I gtg so I'll ttyl!!!! Hope u enjoy the rest of ur sunday and for some the last few weeks of ur summer!!!! ***** LINDSAY *******
mY sAtUrDaY!!!!!!!!!
by Lov2shop on Comments
Okay I'm going to make this a kind of short blog like most of mine r because I dont feel like writing much!!! But anyway today was fun Megan ( my sister aka PrincessMeg16) had a soccer game they lost but that was because that they had to wait like a hour for the game to start becasue there was only one ref and u cant play a high school game without two refs but the middle schools boys soccer coach refed for them!!! Yeah he saved the day (jp)!!!! Anyway they ended up losing but they still did good!!!! GO MEGAN!!!!!!!!!!! Then we came back home and I ended up here on my computer but I gtg so I'll ttyl!!!! Hope u enjoy the rest of ur saturday!!!!- LINDSAY!!!!
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