Lt_Roy_Mustang's forum posts
naughty dog is awesome
I love you TC. Thank you for that link! You just made my year. J&D is my favourite game series of all time. I hope they make another game the same calibur as Jak 2 (the best game) and not another racing game.
Also Jak 3 ended "The Precursor Legacy" story. Obviously they will create a new story. Hopefully we'll get 3 new Jak games for PS3.
yeah I'm sure the new arcit'll be along the lines of "The Legend of Mar" where you live out the story of Mar that everyone in three kept talking about.
[QUOTE="Mr_Apple_Soup"][QUOTE="nyoroism"]I thought Jak 3 ended the main series.Rikusaki
finally somebody with some sense!
Yeah I thought so too. Maybe it's a new story with new adventures! Who knows?
I'm not sure if they completely ended it, cause at the end of three, you find out Jaks name is really Mar, plus the oselots (sp?) said that there were more challanges in Jaks future or rather his past. Plus they have a time machine still, I think.
[QUOTE="Lt_Roy_Mustang"][QUOTE="ElArab"]Ever seen FLCL? THAT IS SOME RANDOM ****!
FLCL stands for "Fooli Cooli", or something like that, I don't know how it's spelt, but man, that show is just crazy, I was never interested in it for more then like, 4 episodes, but it is..unique lol.
I Agree, shows don't get much more unique FLCL, I loved it plus its short, you could get through it in an afternoon, and if you liked it, go for Paranoia Agent.
It's similar due to the fact its the same team, plus it'l keep you guessing as to who's the bad guy, till the end where everyone ends up going crazy, (ie the police officer who ends weilding an umbrella as a sword and finds the "ultimate weapon" or something and its actually a bent bat.)
they're not made by the same people; FLCL is done by Kazuya Tsurumaki, and Paranoia Agent is done by Satoshi Kon (Millenium Actress, Paprika, etc.)
my bad, I thought I read somewhere it was the same team.
FLCL stands for "Fooli Cooli", or something like that, I don't know how it's spelt, but man, that show is just crazy, I was never interested in it for more then like, 4 episodes, but it is..unique lol.
I Agree, shows don't get much more unique FLCL, I loved it plus its short, you could get through it in an afternoon, and if you liked it, go for Paranoia Agent.
It's similar due to the fact its the same team, plus it'l keep you guessing as to who's the bad guy, till the end where everyone ends up going crazy, (ie the police officer who ends weilding an umbrella as a sword and finds the "ultimate weapon" or something and its actually a bent bat.)
Well I supose developers just need to accept that when they make crappy games they are going to get crappy scores.
well as long as companies have tons of money to throw around in an attempt to boost scores, it'll never happen
Just don't forget to put up your 1.0's when they start letting reviews in again... :)paullywog
yep I'll definatly be doing that myself
At the end of all of this I'm not really sure what CNET has won. Did they hope it would save them future advertising cancelations?
They've poisoned their userbase and the image of Gamespot forever, and no doubt freaked the **bleep** out of the remaining employees. If some of them leave out of principle, will they just replace them with emotional robots who will perform verbal fellatio on producers' games without a fuss? Yeah, I want to read stuff from that site.
truer words have never been spoken, Bravo sir
[QUOTE="Shadow_op"]You, sir, just took over-the-top to a whole new level. I love the references to the revolutionary war...just keep in mind they were also fighting for the very democratic/capitalistic freedom that got him fired:)If you cared that much about free speech, you would realize that sacrifices are made for it. The soldiers that died during the Revoloutionary and Civil Wars were trying to protect you and me so we can have free speech. Does this mean that they had great lives after? No! They all died! In fighting for any cause, sacrifices are made, whole people given up for the greater good.
Now we come to the subject of Jeff G. I liked Jeff G at first when I came here. But then he decided to become "that one guy". Hey, I'm gonna be cool and under rate every game! Gamespot is a corporation. Corporations care about nothing except making money. With all the endorsors being scared off because of bad reviews for their games, was it honestly a surprise that Jeff got the boot?
I'm not saying that the man deserved to have his job taken away. Oh no. But a person with a reputation like his, if you were the owner of a money making website...would you hire him? Would you hire a guy that might make your buisness suffer losses of profit? No you wouldn't, unless you felt really damn sorry for him.
Godspeed Jeff. Hope you change a bit.
Thanks ;)
well if he didn't take it to this level, how many people would actually respond to him
[QUOTE="EvilSpeaker"]what i mean was "don't u guys have better thing to do?" This is pretty childishJynxzor
Trying to poke fun at peope who are trying to stand up for what they think is right, now thats childish perhaps you need to find something else to do.
why thank you, at least someone out there supports us
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