Nice, I've been wanting to get Eternal Darkness for sure. I've also wanted to play metal gear solid twin snakes, but I've heard its a hit and miss.
Lu-Kang's forum posts
Its the 2gb and I live in the US. Looked at newegg and they look a bit different, but as long as they run the same speed I'm fine. (here's what mine looks like
700W is plenty. Regarding finding a 7850 it depends on what country you live in (in the USA most people use sites like newegg, tigerdirect, amazon, ebay....ect). The stock core clock is 860mhz so try to find one with that speed (if you can't then its not a huge problem, the card with the higher speed will automatically downclock itself).
Thanks for replying.
I found out its a powercolor brand.
Okay, right now I have one 7850 and I plan to add another one and crossfire them.
My two questions are.
Do you think my 700W power supply will hold up? It will be two 7850's and I also have a i5 3570k (Its not overclocked yet, and it probably won't be for awhile)
Second question. Where can I find a stock 7850? I can only find brands like Sapphire and Gigabyte. (I'd prefer to have them matching)
Hmmm I might have to check this out. I've only read his "Everything is Eventual" which I thought was great.
I stoped watching 5th stage around February so I don't have to wait a long time. Also I finished Serial experiments lain, I thought it was decent, but I really loved the OP season 2... thank you!!
Initial d is taking forever to release eps :\
Just got the DMC hd collection. I heard 1 & 3 are good. I was also thinking of getting zone of the enders hd collection but I wasn't sure if they were good.
Just noticed that they added the campaign mode. Its actually pretty cool.
Game is really quite hard, I can't get into the multiplayer, coming from BF3 or COD. I hate how they have limited class choice's I always get stuck as a riflemen when I would prefer to snipe.
I feel the oposite, when I play COD or BF3 its hard for me because it feels like you have to unload a whole clip in them even on hardcore. Also, its better than everyone running around with a sniper or sub-machinegun, and thats the advantage of being a rifleman, you can pick people off from a distance.
Don't really read all that much, but Everything is evental by Stephen King is really really good.
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