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LuVZ-tOo-SPoogE Blog

game site! please read

Ok so at school i'm doing a website for my ICT project, i'm doing it on gaming!!!! So I need a few ideas for features, so far i'm doing sections on all modern consoles, and I am doing a retro corner. What else could I do?

5 things about me!

Ok well thanks to this tagging thing, and thanks to RATBOYS for tagging me, here is 5 things you may not know about me!

1. My username is LuVZ-tOo-SPoogE as that is Stans World of Warcraft account name in the South Park episode, Make Love, Not Warcraft!

2. I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

3. I have exessive paranoya.

4. I hate hot weather as I get dizzy then faint.

5. I ABSOLUTELY HATE.........................popular kids.

right then, I tag anyone on my friend list who hasn't done one of these things yet!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA..... MUWAHAHAHAHAHA:P

NEED YOUR HELP!!! no Xbox360 "haters" please!

Ok, so I got my laptop, and I love it, its awesome, but there is one downside, its my birthday present from everyone in the family, its my christmas present from my parents, because it was a lot of money and because of this I don't get allowance until my mom is sure about our spending and if we can afford things, she takes her time doing this. However my mom and dad have promised to get me GTAIV for my birthday aswell (I don't see the point of me not getting it until my birthday because it comes out one day before my birthday), but anyway, my allowance limits me to a few games until I have to start buying more presents in my family, basically long story short, what do you guys think is better, COD4 GoTY, Warhammer: Battlemarch, Halo Wars, Guitar hero III or Dark Sector? What do you guys think is best cos at the moment my top priority is Halo Wars and Battle march.


Crap!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok i'm working out my money for the next few months and realised something, I have asked for a laptop for my birthday, 1 month away, and GTAIV come out 1 day before my birthday, because I have to ask the rest of the family for money to go towards the laptop, and since my pocket money will be spent on birthday presents for others around the time of my birthday, I won't be able to get GTAIV limited edition until the 27th June, but it gets better, the 27th June is my mums birthday! so now I won't be getting it until the 11th July! Therefore my PS3 funding has gone down the bog and I won't be able to get the Call of Duty 4 GoTY edition until a month after GTAIV!!!!!!!!!!!! CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:evil:

360 price cut

There has just been a massive price drop for the 360 and henseforth there is now a global shortage!! and on other news manhunt 2 has just been allowed, I'm gonna get it and see what its like

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