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Lucario-kid Blog

My Birthday!

Hi guys! If you read my previous blog you would know that the 19th of June was my B-Day, i have'nt been on Gamespot for a while because i've been occupied by the games! But while i am on it i thought i had better tell you what i got!


2.XBOX360 charge kit

3.Naruto:Rise of a Ninja (360)

4.Lego Indiana Jones (360)

5.Turok (360)

6.Wii points card (Wii obviously)

7.Jumper (DVD)

8.Monty Pythons Holy Grail (DVD)

9.The young ones-Series 1 (DVD)

10.Naruto-Series 1:1 (DVD)

11.Caburys Heroes

12.Terrys Chocolate Orange

13.Caburys Chocolate Slab


Hope you like what i got for my B-Day! With the money i got including the money i already have i intend to buy the whole Ninja Gaiden series including Dragon Sword, i played the demo of it and i absolutley adore it! I play just the demo every day!


With my Wii points card i bought the Internet channel which rocks! And Lost Winds which i must admit so far is fantastic!

Tommorows the day.....

Tommorow is my Birthday, meaning it's the day i get an XBOX360!!! Seriously, i've been drauling over it for ages now and the day has finally come! And even better, i have a bug so i get to skip school for the rest of the week! 4 days of Gaming heaven, would make this blog longer but my Sister and Mum are nagging me to get of the PC......WOOTWOOT!!!

Gam3r Update 0.4

Hey fellas, Lady fellas;) And welcome to my 4th Gam3r Update!

Sorry about the delay, but i've decided that it's stupid to do one Gam3r Update a week because a lot of the time there's nothing to talk about and i barely have any time to do it in. This happens to be one of those time and there is only 3 things i have to talk about, what i have just said being one of them! So this Gam3r Update will be very short!

The second being being that my birthday is in exactly 7 days, and by accident my Mum slipped that she's got me a 360, WAHOO!!! I really hope that i get Turok and Naruto:Rise of a Ninja, if you know me you will know i'm the biggest European Naruto fan ever!!!

Finally, i know this is'nt important but i went to GAME in town today and traded in a load of old games and put them altogether, overall i now have £98.50! New record!!! My old was £95!!!

Well.....I told you it would be short.....And that's it for my 4th Gam3r Update! Oh Yeah! Just so you guys know my Puppy is a girl called Holly and is a Tibetan Terrior, not many people know them so feel free to ask any questions. By the way she's ALMOST toilet trained, notice how i say ALMOST!!! :roll:

Most popular Home System results!!!

Hey People! In my main Union(The all games,anime/manga,music and movies union) i did a poll asking people what ther fave system was and what they would rate each system, these systems are the Wii, PS3 and XBOX360, well iv'e tallyed the results and found out the average score, here we go!

The least popular home system was the PS3, this could be down to the fact that it costs far too much as do the games. It got an average score of 5.2 :(

The second most popular home system was the XBOX360, the 360 is a fantastic console however the fact that it costs £50 a year for the online is a con, it got an average score of 7.5 8)

And that obviously leaves only one system left, the most popular system by far is of course the Nintendo Wii!!! Apart from the slightly under achieving graphics(with the exeption of Zelda,Mario and Metroid) it really is the perfect console, great fun, amazing controls, great games and the best online you could ever dream of to boot! It's lowest user score was 9.6!!! The Nintendo Wii got a whopping average of 9.9!!! :)

Well that's how the results turned out! If you agree or disagree feel free to leve a comment on your opinion or anyone elses for that matter! Now then, i'm of to Wii!!!

Gam3r Update 0.3

Hey Guys! This is my 3rd Gam3r Update and not much has happened again this week but i have been getting really exited about all the future releases that i need to buy!

The main out of these of course is SUPER SMASH BROS BRAWL! I'm looking forward to this games release more than iv'e looked forward to anything else i my life! If you've read my previous blog about it being delayed you will know that now i have to wait until the 27/6 (or 6/27 as you would say) to get my gaming hands on the best fighter of the century! Oh, Woe is me.... But anyway now i just have to wait 27 days, and then, well.....TRIFORCE SLASH!!!!!

My second most anticipated date is the 19/6 (or the 6/27 as you would say again) because it's my Birthday and i'm probably going to be getting my very own 360! I can't wait! Even though my brothers got one i really want one for myself so i can personalise it to my own liking and get my own achievements for myself instead of putting them on my annoying brothers 360! Also there is a whole bunch of stuff i want to get for my soon to be 360 when i get it, the first of these is Turok. I know gamespot only gave it a 7/10 but i went round my friends and played a load of it and i would have to give it at least a 9! And if it keeps its charm easily a 9.5! Also another thing i'm highly anticipating for its XBOX release is Banjo-Kazooie:Nuts and Bolts! Iv'e always been an enormous fan of the Banjo-Kazooie series and they were easily my favoroute game series on the N64! Banjo-Kazooie:Nuts and Bolts looks to improve on the Banjo formula in almost every way, i can't wait for this game and iv'e done an extensive preview on it in a previous blog, it looks WICKED!!!!

The final game of which i'm highly looking forward to getting (i say looking forward because it's already been released) is infact a WiiWare game, Lost Winds! And before you ask no it's not about a missing can of beans!LOL! I don't really know why i'm looking forward to this so much, there's just something about it i like, whether it's the fantastic control scheme, the lush graphics or neither i don't know, i just think it's AMAZING! I know people say that it's quite short but i don't care as it only costs £7.50, and you may not know this but it's the first in a series! Yes, Lost Winds is the first in the series and there will be more Lost Winds games to come! I can't wait!

Well those of the games that i'm looking forward to getting, so now i'm going to focus on what iv'e been playing and of course what i have'nt.

I've recently started to play Super Smash Bros Melee again in an attemp to ease my frustration for SSBB being delayed, and of course......It's not working!

Another game i've been playing is Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution, to be honest i don't even know why i'm still playing it, it's not even a great game, just an average one but for a Hardcore Naruto fan like myself it's just so damn addictive!

The final game which i've been playing, but to tell the truth i have'nt been playing that much is Mario Kart Wii, i would be going on it more but i'm franticly searching for my friend code sheet, iv'e got this piece of paper with everyones MK friendcodes on it but i can't seem to find it! So well, if you have Mario Kart Wii and your reading this could you leave a comment telling me your friend code or PM me it, mines 1461-6353-0235 and i'm normally on anytime in the day so just search for me and i may be online.

Iv'e stopped playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Metal gear Solid 3 just because simply put i got bored of them. I've never really been a fan of GTA games beacause they've never really appealed to me, and all the strip clubs and stuff in the GTA games is just perverted and disgusting. And Metal Gear Solid 3 is a great game but i just got bored of it, too much sneaking not enough Action.

Well that's just about it for my 3rd Gam3r Update but i just want to tell you that the magazine i collect (The Official Nintendo Magazine, ONM for short) gave SSBB 95% out of 100% so it's pretty WOW!!! Also i just want to ask you a favor, could you please join "The All Games, Anime/Manga, Music, And Movies Union", i've just been promoted to officer and it's my task to get people to join it, but please join, we need more members! SEE YA!!!

Banners, Tags and Sigs

Hey guys! If you've been on my blog recently you will have noticed that i've got my first banner and header image, i hope you think there ok! For my header image i would have done somthing else like SSBB for it but i decided to have Lucario so it would of course match my username.

The main reason i decided to make this blog though is to ask you guys how you make Banners, Tags, Sigs and all that stuff. I really want to learn how you make these so i can make my own and also help other people to make theres.

Well that's about it really, feel free to tell me what you think of my first header and banner, i know they're rubbish but that's one of the reasons i want to know how to make my own, thanks for listening!;)

MY favoroute game characters, EVER!

These are my favoroute game characters ever! I'm doing the TOP 10, just so you know i'm going to be changing this over time as my fave characters change. The 1st is going to be my favoroute.

10.Kirby (Kirbys Dreamland)

9.Yoshi (Yoshis Island

8.Altier (Assassins Creed)

7.Bowser (Super Mario Bros)

6.Shadow (Sonic The Hedgehog)

5.Mario (Super Mario Bros)

4.Baby Bowser (Super Mario Bros)

3.Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog)

2.Toon Link (The Legend of Zelda)

And my Number 1 character................................

1.Link (The Legend of Zelda)

Hope you like these guys! Just remember they will change over time especially as i'm getting a 360 and if yet more Sonic characters come out! SEE YA!!!;)

Plasma T.Wii

Whats up?

I just though i'd do i quick blog to just say that it's half-term at the moment but my Mum has to go to work on Wednesday and Thursday, and as we have a new Puppy i have to keep an eye on her so i'm allowed to set my Wii up on the Plasma TV downstairs!


Super Smash Bros Brawl-DELAYED!

If you've read my previous SSBB blog you would know that i can't wait for this game! Iv'e been wanting it for 3 years now and was just getting warmed up, but while i was getting warmed up ready to sprint down to the nearest game shop and buy it, i found out that it was being delayed here in the UK until the 27/6!!! Or the 6/27 as you would Americans would say!

Well that really is all i wanted to tell you, and YES i'm very,very,very P***ED! Well anyway i'll see you guys soon.....or at least in a whole month while i wait to have online death matches of doom!!! Damn i'm sore about this! *CRYS* :(

Gam3r update 0.2

Hi guys! This is my second Gam3r update so it's probably gonna be about average, but i have got some things to tell you and some advice that could come in handy if your a Anime 'n Manga freak like myself!

I've started my own file on Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, the reason i say started my own file is because it's actully my brothers but i always play on his games aswell as mine. So far it's okay... Iv'e never loved GTA just because they've never appealed to me, but San Andreas is much better than the previous games! Theres loads of things to do! And there's a load of extra content and vehicles you can choose from. But there is 2 games like this which are much better in my opinion: True crime and its sequel True crime New York City. I don't mind the GTA series but in True crime you really can do anything!

Iv'e also started my own file on Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater. I'm not really a fan of the MGS series, but even though i'm not too far in the game i think it's really good! There are a load of cool things you have to do to stay unseen etc, but you actully have to think like a soldier! I'm really impressed by how the developers implemented this and hopefully future army games will follow in its footsteps!

Sorry about not going on Mario Kart Wii guys! Theres a load of people i need to add to my friends list on it but for some reason it's just not really attracting me any more, of course i will still go on it but just not as much, although i'll make sure i add all you guys to my friends list when i next go on!

The piece of advice that i wanted to give all the Anime 'n Manga freaks out there is to go onto, it has every single Anime 'n Manga show on it including movies and you can watch them all for free! It's in Japanese but it doen'st matter as it translates into english at the bottom. Iv'e spent most of my time watching every Naruto episode so i can move on to the Manga Shippuden.(Hurricane Chronicles) You can see more about it in the blog below!

The final thing i wanted to tell you guys is about the Firsr Person Shooter competition i was going to enter.....It's all booked up! There's only 40 places so i knew i would have to enter it quickly, but for hells sake how was i supposed to know it would fill up in the first day!? I'm really p***ed about that but well, theres nothing i can do, i'll just keep on doing online compititions on my Wii i guess.....

Well that's about it for my second Gam3r update, but there is one thing i want to leave you with..........I NEED SUPER SMASH BROS BRAWL FOR HELLS SAKE!!!