Honestly, what is with this culture of total a-holes emerging now days? To start off, a lot of guys here are cool and will have great convo's and such, but I want to say what is up with emotionless, snide, people who seemed to have formed this culture? Is this the culture of the 2000's? In contrast with the 90's culture, they had some "I don't care" type people but not on the level of these ruthless, relentless teens and 20 somethings of today.
I'm 19 and I can't stand my generation, there is no compassion for anything, all there is comes a want for more. Never have I seen a generation or culture that is so disenfranchised, sold to, baught out then Generation Y who actually embrace stupidty and getting walked all over for money so that they can buy the most popular clothes that their friends have. This decade has put the 80's to shame in the materialism department, all the girls have become... well you know the "W" word, the guys... Well the guys haven't changed much, the media has become BS, and all the while these kids think that they are actually buddy with their favorite shows, clothing lines, and what ever. I'm seriously digusted.
And I know you guys are going to give me a hard time for this, but please here me out. Is this ever going to change again? I mean you guys have to want a better world for the kids of the future, because it seems like we are going do the worst of roads right no.
It's exactly the case in Europe as well.
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