No offense to anyone here but I would be open to another investigation into the 9/11 attacks. I'm not convinced that those buildings came down with just an airplane strike. What about building seven? That building came down and it wasn't even hit by anything. There are too many things that don't seem right about that incident.
Lunarblade1's forum posts
David Ike is big on the Reptilian theory. I believe that a One World Government is in the making to control the people and destroy sovereignty. A New World Order being called forth that would enslave the people. Just look at the crappy legislation that are being passed in the House and Senate. Cap and Trade, Health care, hate crime, cyber bullying act, and many more to come that allow the government more power, impose more taxes and strip away more rights. Euphemisms and deception are commonly used by this government to attract the people into submission. Recognizing them and breaking your conditioning is vital.
I'd be more worried about the vaccinations that may be forced on the people than the Swine Flu itself. Those vaccines contain mercury and other contaminants that could make people seriously ill. Do you know how much money they will make out of a forced vaccination program? They want hype for this flu so people can submit to their poison. WHO (world health organization) warned of a further mutation of this virus ( engineered H1N1) into a more deadly strain. I wouldn't be surprised if a more deadly virus emerged like they said.
If there is to be another Revolution it must be a peaceful revolution. The Republic seems to be failing as greed and corruption seems to be commonplace. Congress no longer works for the American people but instead lobbyists.The Fed needs to be exposed for being the culprit behind the economic mess we are seeing today. Ron Paul has a bill that would allow the audit of the Federal Reserve. It is a privately owned institution that is printing money out of thin airwith interest needed to be paid back.Talk about an unconstitutional institution. Sadly there will be no effective revolution if the American people continue to live in denial.
Mars has very little atmosphere which does trap in some solar heat, but it still gets pretty damn cold there. Also Martian atmosphere is 95% Co2, but the total atmospheric pressure is roughly 1% of what it is on earth. It does have a greenhouse effect, but very subtle. So yes, I would call Mars a Frozen wasteland with an average temperature of -40 degrees celsius. But it would be a lot colder without the greenhouse effect caused by the Co2 and other gasses in the Mars atmophere. Space is cold, and even with a super thin layer of Co2, its enough to keep Mars warmer than space. That alone is proof that Co2 is a heat trapping gas. A greenhouse gas allows Infrared and ultraviolet light enter, but get reflected back to the surface and traps in the heat caused by that radiation that would other wise escape back into space. It is an insulator, and Co2 is a very good one. I don't know where you hear it wasn't. And as for volcanoes, the Co2 they emit contribute to the natural state of global warming. I've stated this for a few posts now. Volcanoes on Earth estimated to spew 200 million tonnes of greenhouse Co2, humans through burning fossil fuel emit and estimate 28.6 billion tonnes of green house gas Co2. This is not a difficult concept to understand. What ever, I'm out of here. These threads are always worth a good laugh.[QUOTE="Darthmatt"]
Middle School Science? That is what your basis. The fact is not only is the Co2 theory incorrect in the Green House Gas effect as stated in the links I have provided if you would be so kind to read them. But the fact that Mars fluctuates in temperatures the same time the earth does proves the fact that the Green House effect has nothing to do with the increase or decrease in climate.
As I stated before, how can you prevent something that is natural. For over 2000 years the earth has fluctuated in climate increasing and decreasing so how is something that is suppose to occur be the fault of humans. Even if Co2 was involved in anything, than based on your link provided about Volcanoes means that we would have to prevent Volcanoes from erupting, or Cows from going as even Cows emit more Co2 than humans do.
What your "theories" are based off of can only be countered with more facts. Mars has little atmosphere and no Co2 emissions, yet it is not an "Ice Planet" in fact it's the safest planet to live on next to that of Earth.
*Sigh* As posted in the previous post, Co2 is not the cause of Global Warming, if you would of actually read the links in my posts instead of making claims you can't even post facts or basis on. Of course it's easy to find things on "Global Warming" and evidence for it, however every Scientist that posts on Global Warming is usually paid to do so.
Let me ask you something, why did we not hear much about "Global Warming" Until Al Gore brought it up with his Inconvenient Truth movie. Then why if he's so concerned about the planet does he waste more energy in one day, than a normal house hold does in a week I believe it was, or it could of been month. Not to mention the guy makes millions through the mass hype of "Global Warming".
Again the earth goes through a cycle, and has so for 2000 years, it gets warmer and colder. Also if there really was Global Warming and if it was caused by Co2, than again, shouldn't we git rid of all the Cows, Cars, Volcanoes, aerosol cans and everything else that makes Co2? But once we have done that what would the trees live on?
Do I really need to post all the facts again? Everything I have posted and linked with proof before contradicts everything that you posted just now.
Completely agree :D
Believe me when I say I've seen the evidence and not convinced. Read the bill they are passing. It clearly says that CO2 is to blame for global Warming. What utter crap. Enjoy the crappy economy while you still can cause it will get much worse when this bill passes the Senate and the President signs and approves it. Heres a link to thoughts about the bill from Ron Paul. By the way congress officially works for lobbyists and not the people.
Go Ron Paul, someone with some actual Common Sense. It's too bad that people think Global Warming is still a calamity that needs to be resolved through our Government, when even if it was real, why don't we go to Nuclear Power? and if people complain about that, than why did Obama support Iran in getting Nuclear Power in achieving safer clean energy.
Too bad this guy couldn't of gotten into office, or someone like Thompson or Romney. All of which were much better choices than McCain who stood no chance at beating Obama. I do believe people were voting for Palin when they voted for Senator McCain.
Exactly. The people have looked to our government to solve the problem. If there actually is one. They are only taking advantage of it and it's sad when people put all of their trust in a corrupt entity. Governments are dangerous if not kept in check. Ron Paul would have been a great President
[QUOTE="Lunarblade1"]Really??? Let's just say that global warming is real. Our government decides to pass a bill that raises taxes, energy prices and will essentially put more strain on corporations and peopleVandalvideoYou mean like CAP'N'Trade?
Yes Cap and Trade, HR 2454
Politics has absolutely nothign to do with the chemistry and science behind global warming. Why you are bringing politics into this I'll never know. Perhaps you should look at the actual science behind it rather than the politics behind it because if you have actually looked at true stats you would know that global warming is real and is manmade.[QUOTE="Lunarblade1"]
Believe me when I say I've seen the evidence and not convinced. Read the bill they are passing. It clearly says that CO2 is to blame for global Warming. What utter crap. Enjoy the crappy economy while you still can cause it will get much worse when this bill passes the Senate and the President signs and approves it. Heres a link to thoughts about the bill from Ron Paul. By the way congress officially works for lobbyists and not the people.
Really??? Let's just say that global warming is real. Our government decides to pass a bill that raises taxes, energy prices and will essentially put more strain on corporations and people. Is this not taking advantage of what is supposedly taking place. Do you want to pay more taxes and energy costs because of this global warming. I know I don't. Al Gore was the fool who sparked this controversy and last time I checked he was a political figure. Politics does play a role. Hitler was an environmentalist at first, and he used that towin the people over and then look how he turned out. Regardless if it's real or not, the government is taking advantage of it. I will not be taxed to death for existing. Will you?
Might I suggest watching some of the videos on this youtube channel to get a better understanding of what exactly glocal wearming is?[QUOTE="Lunarblade1"]
I believe it is cyclical. Have you people noticed the new bill that just passed the House. This proposed bill is cap and trade. The government is using this Global Warming scheme to impose taxes on the people and raise energy prices. The government is lying by stating that carbon dioxide is a deadly chemical that is the cause of global warming. Doesn't the sun play a major role in all of this? When that is mentioned they completely deny it. People, they are using Global Warming to further their agenda and impose more taxes. Carbon dioxide is used by plants to convert it into Oxygen, what we breathe in. They want to reduce CO2 levels by 80% in 2050. Won't that be dangerous since it will reduce the amount of CO2 which in turn will reduce the amount of O2? Get ready to hand over billions more to this corrupt government just for breathing.
Believe me when I say I've seen the evidence and not convinced. Read the bill they are passing. It clearly says that CO2 is to blame for global Warming. What utter crap. Enjoy the crappy economy while you still can cause it will get much worse when this bill passes the Senate and the President signs and approves it. Heres a link to thoughts about the bill from Ron Paul. By the way congress officially works for lobbyists and not the people.
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