I love having choices to be able to play on any format. I'm near obsessed about 2 un-released games The Witcher 3 and The Division and I would only EVER consider getting these titles on PC given the choice. Some games sit better on console some on PC and I actually like it that way. I don't like DRM, I prefer owning a hard copy of a game - not a DL but that's just the collector in me.
@SaladSniffer Like most illnesses there are lots of symptoms and not all people suffer the same ones. Someone posted a link below to the NHS website on depression, check that out for more information.
@ColdstoneX3 @tempertress Yes be careful about how you handle this at work. Keep records and logs of events and peoples responses to you. If you can get some help from the Doctors do it that way and not though your companies Occupational Health as generally they are more interested in if you are fit to work and not actually helping you in getting fit for work. This is quite bad considering the depression could of been triggered by work stress.
@cookiedue @Lyca counselling is not for everyone but it might help to pick a close family member or friend who you trust to at least tell them your not in a great place. Its just a relief to talk about things sometimes.
@cookiedue Have you thought about going to the Doctors, counselling might help. My husband goes and it helps him to talk to someone who does not know him.
Thanks to all the brave people in this video who have come forward to talk about their lives. Depression effects everyone whether you suffer with it or know someone who does. My husband has been in and out of counselling for 18yrs now, its all ups and downs but the help is there when you need it. It may take a while getting the counselling you need as the waiting list on the NHS can be 1-2 months but it might be different in your area. This might sound like a strange place to get help but if you have a local Surestart Children's Centre they have free counsellors that could be a short term fix if your on a waiting list for counselling via the NHS Doctors.
The important thing is don't delay if you need help get in touch with your Doctor, if you don't want to take medication tell him so at the time it will save you prescription money as meds don't work with everyone, my husband is OCD about pills etc so that was not for him. But the counselling works everytime!
Lyca's comments