MS dropped XBOX Original like they just found out it was a BSB burger, I loved my XBOX O and really hated the way they shat on it buried it in the ground and moved on.
Gaming made its way into the larger industry and like a lot of people we all knew this was good and bad. When things are good the creativity flows as people are given what they need to give us what we 'the gamers' want. When things are bad i.e. devs going out of business or being swallowed up by larger ones then creativity stops and constant sequel chugging out begins.
It's a shame not all countries support their home grown dev's... well at least the French do as they seem to be the only nationality to be able to show us anything at E3 2012 with the potential to be something different.
Oh and respect to Sony they have had a really shitty 2 years bad luck and come through with a good show. Not many companies can go through a natural disaster, a man made one and the hacking and still look good when it counts.
I spent about 3 years as a total RA3 nut and I would not even pick up another game to play. I was not what I called properly addicted to it as did not skip work or become lazy at work and I have always maintained a high level of personal hygiene, and I never have had any violent episode or ever wanted to hurt anyone or thing. However I did play it excessively and I became a total butthole when I played, even to the point of swearing at my bf for no reason. I also started to become antisocial and avoided going outside as much as possible except to go to work. I dont know if this was some kind of faze I went through or if this was due to my excessive play or something psychological. Luckily one day I just stopped playing completely I dont know why or care anymore. I didnt play any games for about 1year. I started going out more and made some new friends and havent looked back since then, that was about 6 years ago now, I play games now but not as much as I used to.
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