1. Guitar Hero: Seriously enough. I heard they were coming out with a GH Pearl Jam. Pearl Jam?! Just cuz you could doesn't mean you should. 2. Mario: Type Mario in the Gamespot search bar and check out how mnay results you get. 3. Pokemon: When you start remaking games with the same story and all... it's milked. 4. Ratchet & Clank: Insomniac have released like 20 games in the past 7 years.
omg another thread about how one console is able to generate one grain of sand with better contrast and shading over the other... i give a f--you know. With all this focus on petty details in graphics it's no wonder I'm seeing more flash, guns, **** and explosions to suffice for good storytelling and creative gameplay.
Well with PS3 there's somehow always an update with a game. Hell there was an update when I got a game 2 days earlier than the release date. How the hell is that possible? What'd they forget to put a tree in the game prior to shipment? Finish making the game then release it. Now I have to stress the installation and an update. So yeah my day 1 purchases on PS3 are tainted because of installations and updates.... Best ones I remember was getting Pokemon Gold, Mario Sunshine, and GTA San Andreas.
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