TWEWY and Hotel Dusk had 2 of my favorite stories. Professor Layton also had a charming story. Some others I'd like to mention would be Bioshock and Uncharted.
Same since the only trainer's name I remembered was Ash. My Rival is just Guy and I'm Dude. It was some stupid thing I thought of when I was younger cuz I thought it'd be funny to hear the professor be like "Which Pokemon will you choose, dude?"
01. Fight Club 02. American Beauty 03. The Shawshank Redemption 04. Dog Day Afternoon 05. Memento 06. Amores Perros 07. Se7en 08. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 09. Johnny Got His Gun 10. idk
Most of my buddies and I parted ways after high school. Most of my friends didn't graduate and I did. Luckily I made a new batch of friends but I have to say, I'm picky about who I actually hang out with. I feel like I'm boarder-line antisocial besides my close circle of friends.
I used to have a similar issue as well. One night I was bored out of my mind and started to play with my phone. I recorded my voice and thought I sounded so stupid. It sounded deep but I could still identify my voice from when I was a kid. It also sounded like I was speaking through my nose-- which makes sense, I guess, because I have a big nose. So yeah, I hated it for a long time and spoke real low and in this monotone voice. Then I was forced to get a job and guess what job I got. I was a telemarketer. At first I hated it because they told me to hold my ear so I can hear my own voice and that really made me insecure because I didn't wanna listen to my own voice. But I overcame it. They told us to speak loud and confident and I did just that. At first I sounded corny but I adjusted my tone to what I felt actually fit me. I eventually quit the job but how they told me to speak really stuck with me. I started to speak louder and with a little more enthusiasm. I don't force myself to sound like that, it's just that I'm comfortable in how I speak now. Besides that, I also find my comments and remarks to be more interesting when I project myself as opposed to when I spoke very softly. Now, I'm also planning on majoring in psychology so I gave speech patterns a thought. Besides your tone, also focus on your dialog. I believe that some people sound more confident in what they say if they feel it's natural. For example: A simple answer like "I do not think so" may sound weird coming from certain people (because you're pronouncing the "do not"). It may sound better just going for "I don't think so." This is just me though. I focus on the way I say things because I feel like some things come across better - and suit my personality-- if I rearrange the way I say it. But on top of all that, it could just be a confidence issue. Many people who talk low are usually shy or insecure. Coming across loud may also come across as confident and that's putting yourself out there-- which some people may be too insecure to do so they say things lower so there's less of an impact. Be confident in yourself, project what you have to say because if you make it seem like it's something that's not worth saying aloud then why should anyone care as much as you do? All-in-all, just start speaking louder. You may feel weird about it at first but eventually you'll adjust. It's your voice-- use it or just shut up and cry. Hope that helped.
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