its not a duel if people run and hide. its bad etiquette. and u clearly dodge those few previous post, so im not gonna repeat myself. u urself still also just repeating urself and didnt give a response to that previos post
Look back to post #23 for a few questions you've routinely ignored. There was nothing in your post that wasn't already covered in previous posts, and me having to repeat myself is because you're failing to understand that what you perceive as a game or player fault is an engineered part of the game. I've said, countless times, that there is no disadvantage to either party, and I've asked you to explain time and again why you think there is, because this is the crux of the problem.
i mean u mention i talked about level design, im sure i've give more reasons and examples than that. u mentioned that but then that particular reason comes from your arrow comment and u didnt say anything back about it, just repeat what u said again and again same thing
That was the only reason. I mentioned using an arrow to interrupt the opponent, it wasn't integral to my point however. It was nothing more than a throw-away suggestion and there are other, far more important, issues that you've not replied to. See above for one of them.
u still didnt clarify what u mean about just taking 1 drink and called it tactics. coz thats, again, let me repeat, is stupid, so stupid what i've read there
and for that comment about the 1 estus drink tactic, again u didnt clarify, u just said i called u stupid, didnt clarify urself.
Strategy in using your estus is whether you can time its use so it doesn't leave you vulnerable to attack. Drinking 2 estus, back-to-back, increases the animation time and leaves you even more vulnerable, even if the risk pays dividends in reviving you to 100%. That risk factor, like with any higher-tier spell or miracle that are capable of one-shotting, is what you have to sacrifice in order to use that item. You won't always be able to keep up with your opponent, and they will be able to sneak in the odd heal, but I can't criticize anyone for using what is made available to them.
i mean u leave everything hanging, then ur comeback is the same thing over and over again.
and like i've said already, i'll repeat myself, if both sides can do something, doesnt mean it should. its called a duel. it should be conducted like a duel.
This is another example of why I'm going around in circles. I've asked you before to explain your perception of a duel, what your parameters define it as, and why you think real-world duels were any more chivalrous than your idealized view?
If we're comparing Dark Souls to trial by combat then there was most certainly a lot of foul play involved. As duelling became more of a gentleman sport during the 18th century it was a fixed engagement fought for pride and vanity, with clearly defined rules and conduct.
Dark Souls is neither of those. It's a game that breaks the boundaries of reality when it gives you items that can instantly heal what would be fatal wounds in reality. You're not playing Dark Souls for your family's honour, not your pride as a man, nor any sort of accolade or right. You're playing a game which, at the end of the day, you can shut down and stick on a shelf and never have it influence your life again, whereas the outcome of a real duel would stay with you for life, for humiliation or pride. People lost their knighthood over them, they lost status, land, property. You don't gamble your house or your sister on duels in Dark Souls, do you? No, because there is no gamble in an entertainment medium, and comparing reality with fiction like that is ridiculous.
So, the only definition of "duel" which is valid in Dark Souls is that which is fabricated by the players. These "rules" are not ministered or refereed, they are not enforced to give penalties and concessions, you do not play for anything other than to be entertained. They are guidelines and they can be disputed. So if the game presents both of you with equal options, the limitations on these guidelines is up to the individuals participating. If one person heals mid-match, the other is only handicapping themselves by refusing to do so. You don't retain any pride or honour for refusing to heal.
if your holding 1 million souls your going to be wearing a ring of protection
Since they and the choice of rings that I use are limited, no, I don't always have one on.
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