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M210 Blog

Level 11!

Wow, I never thought of this. I got a Banner (760X160) at the top, that is the right size.

Im Going Now

Im going to Garstang (England) for 5 days now. Im almost upset about leaving Gamespot for 5 days. I loved joining gamespot as a super cool thing. Please give Union and Freind Request about 5 days. I'll miss you all and would love to be back. Im sorry for this. Its my dream on GameSpot (Not TV because there now idiots), I'll see you. Tell you, I'll tell you under hear and tell you what it was like. If they have a computer there i'll chat for a bit. I wish i had a portable Laptop, Miss U all.

Im Going for 5 days

Im almost crying. Im going to see if i can get a replacement. I'll see you. Please give union and freind request a little wait. Thankyou.

|MPORANT Plaese Read! Union Complaint.

In the ten until i am L6, I will start my union, I dont want to tell why, Only 2 people know. Have a good time, Note: It'll be in Movie's Tv section.

Appantly Request have gone to join the union and loads of Yes's but a quet few no's and i need 4 people to join. If you feel like joining the Fantastic 4 Union, Just post a commant. Thank you.
Update, Four more went, If you feel like joining to just give about 1 mounth and so. Feel like joining? You can, Just post a comment.Thankyou for reading

Ill CY-A

Sorry about all this. Got a stupid school trip, Its Monday 5th to friday 10th. I'll Miss u all. Just give the requist a max of 5 days. I'll miss you all. :cry:

The Super Spy

Oh My god. Then i can wright reveiws, Make Fourms and Make my 1 union! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Almost L6.

Thankyou to all the friend requests. I have to say my Union will soon be avialbel. It's neve rekin' , I just feel like saying. GAMESPOT RULES! I promice Union when on L6.

My Union, Hopfully Coming this summer!

I've been waiting a long time for this, I am Suprizing everyone (so no1 takes my union). I'm saying this because im allmost Level 6 and only about 38% left. I'll tell you when realiced. Tahnkyou XXXX (what i put kisses? UUUhhhh Groosssss).I hope you'll enjoy.
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