didnt you know,it is the first PS3 game that is rendered 1080P(full HD),not just that but it has also been rendered in 3d for those who have 3d tvs,:Dwhat else do you want,this game has got everythingdoes anyone know if gran turismo 5 will play in 1080?
M3ran's forum posts
r u serious?i have waited along time for that game,i bought the PS3 for thisI am definitely getting this game!
i know what i want,GOW3 and GT5
do you think if he ever got a girl friend or rather a wife he would stay in MGS?I mean its not fair on him, In MGS1 he loses sniper wolf, in MGS2 he loses Emma and then in MGS4 he loses Naomi. It seems like he gets the short straw every time
i think maybe it has dirt and cats hair or something inside it,it is definatley that because you said after blowing compressed air into it it was fine a few minutes.so you should get it clean,and then see if it worksThis time, We haven't touched the PS3 in days, probably like a Month.
But today, I got Castlevania Lords of Shadow Special Edition for the System, I was going to download Symphony of the Night on to it (cause the Game comes with Purchase of Lords of Shadow at Best Buy.) and while looking at the Playstation Store the system beeped and turned Black.
Turned the system back on it turned on then beeped and black again.
We tried to turn it on the 3rd time and the PS3 did what it did back in March. Green light, Yellow light, Red Blinking lights.
But Back then I kept the PS3 on for a long time and overheated the system, I'm pretty sure that the Power Supply blew back then.
This time though, We barely played the System and the System is in a fairly cool room, However we have a lot more cats than usual.
We took Compressed Air and blew inside it through the holes.
Turned the PS3 back on and it just worked fine for a few seconds to a minute then Beep, Black Screen, and Red Light.
Thankfully I didn't get my Castlevania game stuck in the system this time BUT the fact that we got the system back on tells me something.
Is my PS3 really dead like last time or because of the increase in Cats in the house the PS3 has a lot of Cat Dander in it and is causing itself to shut off?
What do you think?
yeah as i submited a review on that,it is the most controvesial ending you will see on a Rstar game.but i think in a way you will like it.but what can i say i didnt,but after awhile i did:Ddont know if that makes sence
MGS4-uncharted 2- heavy rain-LBPI own :
Resistance : Fall of Man
Resistance 2
Mostorstorm : Pacific Rift
God of War III
God of War : Collection
Uncharted : Drakes Fortune
Uncharted 2 : Amongst Theives
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Killzone 2
Heavy Rain
Yakuza 3
Metal Gear Solid 4
PS 3 fellow gamers ?
Name your PS 3 exclusive collection ...
Hey guys, I think I read somewhere online that Kaz Hari said that GT5 is so advanced that it's really a representation of what the PS4 or whatever the next gen of systems will be capable of. Any thoughts?CaptainCrazywell i think the most amazingthings are gonna come after GT5 i mean GT5 is really advanced,and it really represent this generation of gaming,but i think that $ony and polyphonic can create something even bigger than GT5,i have heard on the internet that their goal is that one day you could choose any car in the world and drive it.something like that
Perhaps its just me, but I personally believe that a game which is a sequel from a PC exclusive, should stay on the microsoft side! instead we get handed over a share with final fantasy 13 and the new metal gear solid game... what the heck! companies seriously need to stop stealing franchises and COME UP WITH THEIR OWN! the most annoying was when sony decided to bring out bioshock for the ps3 ONLY A YEAR LATER from the 360 version, and they also decide to load it up to full price too! its like BEEN THERE DONE THAT! can anyone else here see where I am getting at?
so let me get this,crysis first was released in PC by MS,then came to 360 and now you think crysis 2 should be only 360?not atall,companies want money and gamers want game:D
beaten the game once no problem atall,wow that game was really good best in the series i think.i just sometimes dont like the fact that it has somany endings and somepeople just cant be bothered to play it again like me,just put it all on the table for god sakeI don't know about you, but Ive beaten that game twice with no problems, other then that one part (The riddles where you stick your hand in the hole) for some odd reason I kept getting it wrong over and over again, but once I found out which once; the next time I did it they were different for some reason....
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