@denji oh i didnt know that.but i mean compared to snake eater or even heaven's divide,is it better or no?
M3ran's forum posts
i listened to the sound track for metal gear solid peace walker "Heaven's Divide" it sounds brilliant.
so tell me guys we didnt have a sound track like this or even metal gear solid 4 had a great intro with a great soundtrack,why didnt we see one on metal gear solid 4?
yea i was looking forward to that too,but as you guys said i think it was cancelled,
they need more budget to make something like GTAIV maybe around $100M.
i would say metal gear solid 4 graphic is the best ,but i have to say i played uncharted 2 :among thieves and the graphic for that was excelent aswell,
i have heard good things for GOD OF WAR 3.but
to be honest GT5 will have the best graphic ps3 has given so far,it has been rendered 2d with 1080p
good for me i dont play online.,wel i can my internet is really slow,and plus i dont like to waste my time online playing uncharted the story mode was the best and thats that.:p
metal gear solid 4 yeah i know what that was like,
but compared to metal gear solid 1 on PSX.when they took snake and tortured him and you had to press circle(i think)as fast as you could i remember my wrist was hurting really really bad.(the funm think was afterwards when you called you assistant i dont remember her name she told you to put the playsation padon your wrist and then after that the pad gave a little smooth vibration and it fixed you wrist.
do you guys remember that?wow good old dayz,i missed those days.
correct me if wrong but modnation and blur are like 2 different types of racing.
but i havent player either of them,i think blur is better maybe
hi there.
i want a little bit of info on the 3d features if possible.
let me get this str8,first you need to get the upgrade that ps3 gives on coming soon.in order to turn the normal games in to 3d,
then Do you have to have a 3d tv too?or you can play on normal tvs using the 3d feature on the ps3 and the glasses?
by the way are those the active shutter gasses or then red and blue ones??
thnk u so much.:)
my suggestion to you my friend is that get a PS3 ,why? because PS3 slim is out the original PS3 is cheaper and you can play god of war 3,and GT5.
im 20 and good luck to all ps3 gamers.:)
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