yes looks very well sketched out,a suggestion would be to do the clothes and make shadows for the clothes as well as the face,also you should make less the bold lines in the pictures and kinda mix everything to gether to get the best out come of your work,still looks very well done 8.5 out out of 10
i personally as a muslim belive in jesus christ and cosider him as one saviour of the world.and yes christmass is a great time of the year and i enjoy being in between christians that celebrate this wonderfull time of the year.
yes my grand,dad,he was still alive in the hospital i saw him and i felt really sad,a day later he was passed away,the big thing is the fact that sometimes you fail to understand that the persn has dies and you feel terrible inside,very sad times indeed,i hope your cousin is alive and well...
the the mainstream media in the west is actully trying to somehow make the bad impression of muslims all around the world,so why so much hate on muslims?and why not for other religions,thats a Big a question that the west has to answer and it has failed to do so.
if i tell you that human materialistic power to cure mostly known as doctors are all wrong and there is somthing that can cure all,even the begger or even the dead,then you would start to think wouldnt you???materialistic humans will think materialistic,think about it
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