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The Adventures of Tintin: The Game
This game is pretty easy and its also fun and entertaining to play.
the adventures of Tintin video game is based on the movie, yet it has a great fun and entertaining aspect which presents the game better.its not something that a lot of people would like to play since it is more or less... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Need for Speed: The Run
Amazing visuals with new technology in the engine,however the gameplay and story lacks confidence.
I personally didnt want to play this game because of the History NFS games had and where it was leading to.Yet i heard too many good things about it,so in this review im trying to give my point of view on the new NFS gam... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Call of Juarez: The Cartel
The Game Shows Us A Lot Of Damaging Aspects Of Itself,Yet Minor Good Features Does Not Standout All Together.
those who have been involved playing Call Of Jaurez and have experienced the series will mostly remember or know the game by the great big landscape levels of the wild west and will be aware that the game takes place in ... Read Full Review
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L.A. Noire
Strong And Deep Impact Of Storyline,With The Great Sensation Of Noire.
yet again rockstar game has reached the gaming world and influenced the players with every possible motivation they had and created yet another masterpiece,this game has really passed every hindrance in front of it and h... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
A Short Vision Of Mine.
today i wanted to make a review about the beginning point or rather the turning point for call of duty games,basically the start of the modern warfare - like any other game you can notice pros and cons immediately whe... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
A lot of great features here, is something to make this game a great game.
Bulletstorm offers a unique and fast first person action game, which is very addictive and fun to play.With lots of newly built weapons and upgrades to unlock and use in the journey,also this game will give out tons of b... Read Full Review
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Operation Flashpoint: Red River
A lot Of Bugs,But Apart From That.Its A Great Game With Features You Havent Seen In Any Other First Person Shooter.
This game isnt the same as the other First Person Shooter you see like Call Of Duty or any other action shooter,you see at first you are not gonna be please with what this game has to offer,because of the fact that there... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat9 Offers A Great Story And A Great Gameplay,But I Still Have Doubts On Some Major Problems Within The Game.
Through out the years mortal kombat has changed many times from the first ever mortal kombat game to this latest MK 9,there has been a lot of changes,well not to the characters but the whole system in which the fights ta... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Portal 2
A Great Idea Makes Great Videogame.
This game is one of my favourite.The allowing of mind to think beyond its borders is awsome and VALVE has brought this great entertainment first with portal 1 which was not as big as portal 2. Portal 2 is one of those r... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Crysis 2
Crysis 2 - Unreplaceable FPS Experience,Addictive Fun And Amazingly Entertaining With Splendid Graphic To Love.
This game is really huge i believe.There are really no downsides at all to it.But improvement can always be found for any game and in this review i will try to give a vision of crysis 2 and the ways to maybe improve some... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpfulAssassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Auditore Edition)
Another Assassins Creed Game,Just like the last one, With Minor And Major Changes,Great Fun To Play.
Assassins creed brotherhood seems to be a sequel to Assassins Creed 2.We can clearly see the same type of mechanism in the game as AC2.The main story however is different and has a few new characters in it.The main chara... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
it isnt a perfect game,needs a lot of work in order to compete with todays FPS,my GOOD and The BAD Points here.
Introduction: Homefront is yet another FPS game that has a war theme with it.It also seems that more and more game companies are starting to invest in modern first person shooter such as Call Of Duty series and Medal Of... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
de Blob 2
de blob 2 is unique and fun but has some downsides as well.
First Impression:the first impression was actually a good one,it felt very much real and all the colours matched perfectly although it was a bit weird controling something that doesnt really have a real shape feels very ... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Fight Night Champion
Best Boxing Game Out To This Date.
First Impression: when you first start the game you wont see anything different than the last title created by EA i think it was Fight Night round 4. a few other modes seem to be added to the title screen,and at the to... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
marvel Vs capcom fighting for all,exhausting for EYE.<br />
the game: this game is a real fun fighting sequence to the marvel vs capcom offers most of the marvel along with the original capcom characters. if you have played these types of game before,then you will k... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Dead Space 2
A Cool And Fun Horror,With A Variety Of Enemies And Weapons To Make It Fun.
the graphic: lets start this review with the graphics in dead space 2,i gotta good feeling about the graphics im not sure what the engine is but to me it looks very nice,you can clearly see the dynamic lights and it loo... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Burnout Paradise
burnout paradise,fictional and broken to me.but great city though
we have all mostly seen or played the burnout games on the last generation and we are pleased with what the burn out has brought us. burn out is one of those kinds of racing games that bring arcade and racing to a new l... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Bayonetta (United Kingdom)
bayonetta good,but not as good as "DEVIL MAY CRY".
well as you guys might already know bayonetta is a 3rd person action game,in which the main character is a girl called bayonetta,she is a witch. the first glance at the game looks very good,but the main character only h... Read Full Review
3 of 8 users found the following review helpful
Saw II: Flesh & Blood
i liked the first one but this one is even worse than the last one,what a stupid ending.pure waist of time
you see the changes are kind of visible in Saw 2:flesh and blood compared to Saw, video game,but still i think it failed to go that extra mile,and im not saying its a bad game,but it is clear that the budget was Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Pack
To Be Dead Or Undead That Is The Question Here,seriously!
this game here is the story of John Marstone as he finds himself among the undead that in today's world are known as zombies, well obviously they didnt know the name back then and its fun to bother the history isnt it ro... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm 2
Fans Will Love It,Others Will Like It.One Amazing Great Game Based On the Naruto Shippuden Anime.
well to begin with i wanna talk about the graphics of Naruto shippuden UNS2,as you play the game you will understand that the main areas in the adventure mode have been painted with color just like the anime and more or ... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Medal of Honor
MOH (with a little bit of work) Is Capable Of Fighting Vs COD
its been really long since i have played MOH,the last one i played was MOH allied Assault on PC,now that i have played the new medal of honor i think it is absolutely worth playing and even buying it.a lot of things have... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
The Sims 3
great game,really addictive,always fun to play a little sims.dont you think?well until you get depression!
well to start with i would like to talk about the graphics in sims you may know the graphics has improved alot in this game compared to the sims2 and can see the colors and textures more clearly.the textur... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Call of Duty: Black Ops
COD Blackops Not Exactly Modern Warfare type, But I Get The Point.
call of duty has improved very seriously over the years,this one how ever has a few unique features that will amaze anyone who plays it.this call of duty game has more of a story than, war scenes such as the ones in mode... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Blood Stone: 007
first ever 3rd person 007 game with Daniel Craig.very nice indeed,sharp admirable controls in shooting involved
007 is one of the most known movies around these days although the main character always changes after years of playing as the main character in 007 james bond movie series,it is still a great movie to watch. as you kno... Read Full Review
5 of 6 users found the following review helpful
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
well mostly the derivative of GOW ,as you know!
castlevania, you know since this game is like a new comeback game of the older versions,i never thought it would have this good of a story. well as you might know kojima has had a hand in this game and if you play it y... Read Full Review
2 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Dead Rising 2
fun has a different spelling "Dead Rising 2"
this game is a lot of fun indeed.any individual who enjoys spending time around a city that has been taken over by zombies and also likes exploring around the city and so on would love this. the story behind it isnt a b... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
7 Wonders of the Ancient World
the same as the one on PC just as much fun on the DS
ok this game is made just like the one ,of the pc version,the difference on the DS is that you dont really get all that graphic that you once had on the pc version,nevertheless the game is just as fun and entertaining as... Read Full Review
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Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions
addictive game and just plain fun and entertainment.
spider man shattered dimention was a comeback game for spiderman series. well lets see what we saw on this game. to begin with the rendering of the game seems really new because it has been rendered just like a comic b... Read Full Review
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Halo: Reach
Halo Reach Is A Great Game,Visual Design Looks amazing
as you all know the main story of halo series has been the same,and it all follows the same for halo reach it again takes place in the same way as other halos before this one. well if we may start with visual... Read Full Review
5 of 6 users found the following review helpful
Grand Theft Auto IV
GTA4's features in a simple yet effective review.
here is what i thought about GTAIV, first i have to explain that i played this game twice once on PS3 and the other time on 360 and this is the Xbox version. OK the game begins with a scene in which a few Russians are ... Read Full Review
8 of 8 users found the following review helpful
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Variety In Weapons A Great Factor,Soundtrack Another Great Factor,Just Amazing Experience.
the review you are about to read is made from hours of gameplay offline and is not intended to be a review for online and offline multiplaying. the game begins showing a view from outer space with a music and showing co... Read Full Review
6 of 8 users found the following review helpful
Mafia II
Brief Review On Mafia II
just beat the game,well it was a great story and the ending was brave.i mean they could have either done something else or give the story a 3rd or maybe 4th twist but that would have just been just too much. the game of... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
FIFA 10 has a lot to offer,Plays well online,Tons of Online features available.
well first of all i wanted to say that FIFA 10 has tons of online features and you wont believe,one good example is the feature that you are able to download the latest formations and injuries and cards and so on that ea... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Tekken 6
Great Comeback,Same fightings, Different Costumes and much better levels.
Hi guys thanks for choosing to read my review on this great game,keep reading. TBH i never thought that this game would come out,as a Tekken Fan since the 3rd,i have played all of the tekken games and i really like all ... Read Full Review
3 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Fight Night Round 4
Great Game,I love The Replay Feature Than Can Give You The Ability To See In 1000 Frame/Sec Camera Like.
Well hi guys i think that this game has taken the boxing to a totally new genre. we shall review to see what i mean. first of all it is absolutely uncomparable to the ones made for PS1 and even PS2,since i have played ... Read Full Review
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Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Unique Camera,Great Visual,Are Just Not Enough To Get High Marks.
i have just beaten the game and i think there only 1 or 2 great features in the game and that is all. i have beaten the game long time ago,but didnt post the review until now. First off i have to say that the main stor... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed 2,Building Structure And Wall Climbing Like Never Before,AMAZING GAME
ok since the first ubisoft's assasin's creed,we have seen another release of the game,basically called assasin's creed 2.this one is a lot different than before,the comeback is somehow great and there are so many element... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
I tried my best i beaten the level 28 and i just cant do more.unbelievably hard.
the game seems really easy at first and a lot of fun,there are two screen as you know,the one on the top is the map that shows the whole level,and it is the below screen that you will have to look at and play the Read Full Review
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