MADDOX007 Blog
What stinks and rhymes with canned?
by MADDOX007 on Comments
Civilization 4
by MADDOX007 on Comments
Serious collector
by MADDOX007 on Comments
biggest s-t-f-u's
by MADDOX007 on Comments
The bashing of the Nintendo Revolution remote. Really, Mark Rein, you can go choke yourself over the Rev control all you want but all you will get is more stfu's. Mark Rein is just a guy hired to kiss Microsoft's and Sony's behind. What a tard.
Nintendo and Sony fanboys whine about Halo. Nothing pisses me off more than a fanboy who bashes on a game they haven't even tried yet because it wasn't developed by the console publishers they so dearly love. Halo and Halo 2 are the ultimate examples of this false and foolish mockery. A big fat stfu to all you fanboys.
People who blame the video game industry on violence. Let's see, who influences more, parents or video games? If a parent comes home drunk and beats on his or her child, it's most likely that the child will take their anger in the way their parent's took action. If a child plays GTA, or some other game, it's likely that they will forget what they even did on the game by the next day or so. Stfu for your stupidness.
The gamers that are absolutely pissed that Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has not come out yet. The reason they are postponing the release date is because they're trying to make it better than when they showed it to you! You want a good Zelda game don't you? Stfu for your impatience.
GTA: SA whiners. The idiotic media is always on the prowl for a violent game that the video game industry publishes. The reason they pissed me off even more on this was because the only reason anybody whined about this at all was not to protect their child or the children, but to just bash on the game industry because they don't like video games. Double stfu's for being morons. Oh, yeah, and nice job changing the ratings! M: 17 or older. AO: 18 or older. It doesn't matter anyway, people are still going to buy it no matter what their age.
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by MADDOX007 on Comments
Level 8
Quad Damage
Posts: 274 Jan 11, 2006, 5:58 am My best achievement was kicking the sh!t out of a bunch of Halo 2 nerds that don't have a life. I ruined their only life! HAHA!
I accept all friend requests.
Current Message (view edit history)MADDOX007
Level 8
Quad Damage
Posts: 274 Jan 11, 2006, 5:58 am [This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
Edited on Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 11:04am Edited total 1 times.
I accept all friend requests.
Good night! Apperently it is illegal on this site to put an exclamation mark between 'sh' and 't'. I also got banned for it for awhile for some weird reason.I can read messages again! *starts doing Texan dance*
by MADDOX007 on Comments
If you're going to make a game, make it right!
by MADDOX007 on Comments
Hey, I've got an idea! I will make a deal with either Microsoft, Nintendo, and/or Sony, to make a videogame out of the movie I have made. Oh! It looks like I need a sub-developer like Neversoft or Activision. Hmmm...This is real expensive-like, since I like my money more than I like quality gaming, I am going to have them make this real sloppy for extra cost.
That is what I would have said if I was the Movie Producer of Spiderman 2 or something. Why do all movies absolutely have to have a videogame to come with it? First off, they don't even care, it's just another way for them to get more money and it is sickening! The people they pay to make the game don't even try to make it good sometimes. The only good movie videogames I've ever played was Lord of The Rings: Return of The King and Peter Jackson's Official Game Of The Movie King Kong. I want to see a movie that gets a 9.0 or higher on Gamespot. If you plan to make a game there is no point in not putting much effort into it if sales are not going to go anywhere. Start making good games and stop wasting shelf space.
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