Ha no surprise there,the ONLY reason they have done this isn't because they have listened and care its because they shit themselves at the thought of all the lost sales going to Sony.
Ps and been told just deal with it is the most arrogant thing ive heard we should respond in kind by not buying it then tell Microsoft just deal with it when the Nextbox is a flop.
They have lost my sale,i dont like been told what i can and cant do with something i have payed money for.I don't care what these greedy corporations say if i pay for something i want to own it,if i'm not going to have that right then i will go some place else.How many millions of people world wide still don't have internet or reliable internet,taking away a persons right to play a game they have payed for when they want is crazy,its the same thing with PC i have 3 UBISOFT games that needed always on to play, and the amount of times i could not play because of problems with there servers, my internet to many people etc and bad lag its a joke and we shouldn't stand for it,vote with your money we have the power not Microsoft.
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