Overall I would say GTA IV is probably to date the most rewarding purchase and play for my 360. But I own and have not played Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, and GOW 1 yet. Fallout 3 was by far worth my $5, 2 month gamefly trial....to which I now subscribe. 70+ hours into that game
Everything said above is an excellent start. Also check out bungie.net and see where you died and how they killed you and such. Avoid the center of rooms if you can help it and get to know the maps and there choke points. Simply time in the game already puts you above the newbs, but it seems with every online game I play someone is almost always ranked above me, and by a lot.
peoples tinfoil hats aside.....i would have liked to play this game.....man driving down a street and being scared to randomly hit an IED....even though you could just reload....the tension of the game could have been fun. But what kind of story would they have told
The no money in a cure thing makes me sick, but so does greed in general. I would have to say overall playtime would be 70+ hours of Fallout 3, and don't even have all 20 bobbleheads and the whole map explored and zero dlc's Next to that would probably be Shining Force (1 or 2) don't remember for the genesis, James Bond: Goldeneye for 64, San Andreas for ps2 if I would guess I put probably 30+ hours into beating san andreas.
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