I'd probably give it a 9.5/10 and I've always felt GTA IV was a 9 but I'm not too bothered about the scores. If this tops Red Dead Redemption it's going to be one hell of a game.
Have to say though, I'm still voting for The Last Of Us to win Game Of The Year this year considering we've grown to know what to expect from the GTA series even if it always has high production values. Still up there with the top 10 games this gen for sure alongside RDR, Fallout 3, Portal 2, Dark Souls, Super Mario Galaxy, The Last Of Us...etc..
Killzone: Shadowfall in my opinion looks to be the strongest game graphically at E3 at reminds me somewhat of the original Crysis in a good way aided by the distinct weighty Killzone gameplay .
Second Son looks to be a superb open world game and really "have fun" sort of game. Infamous has never been my thing but it might well become one with this entry.
Driveclub looks to do what GT5 should have done online, if anyone's play Motorstorm RC they should have a taste of whats coming.
Knack's charming and appears to be extremely unique, a new platform adventure game ip is always welcome.
The Order 1886 had a superb trailer, nice seeing it set in the UK making a change from America or more exotic settings. Not enough footage to know what it's about but looks interesting especially with the God Of War PSP guys behind it who did Santa Monica justice.
This is without mentioning exclusive deals Sony has going with Rocksteady, Rockstar, Bethesda and most importantly, Bungie. Destiny looks superb and in my opinion is the best FPS at E3 alongside Killzone. Titanfall and Call Of Duty seem too generic and arguably not "next-gen" visually; Battlefield 4 doesn't have this issue and looks beautiful but it doesn't seem to have brought much to the table since Battlefield 3, I'd go so far to it looks very similar to BF3 graphically and gameplay-wise, I just don't see myself wanting to buy a game which appears near identical to what I already own. The big sell for me though is the way Sony are really embracing the Indie guys with self-publishing, Microsoft showing off Minecraft isn't exactly showing love for the "little guy".
Digression aside, moving on to Microsoft.
Killer Instinct looks alright but won't be good enough for fans of the series, looks rather bland and uninspired sadly; I personally like the character designs though.
Ryse will be awful, visually stunning but designed as a kinect game and now using multiple QTE's in combat instead, just looks far too limited.
Forza 5 will be solid, like Gran Turismo they know the racing genre better than anyone else and will deliver. I've always been a GT guy but Forza's great, particularly where customisation is concerned. I hope Polyphony and Evolution take note.
Dead Rising 3. About as generic as they come. I'd rather have seen a play on the usual formula ala The Last Of Us or Red Dead Redemption.
Titanfall, concept's okay and visuals are what you'd expect however gameplay demos just look too "Call Of Duty" to me, any luck it will pick up where Call Of Duty 4 left off, I'm sure to get it as new IPs always interest me and West and Zampella knew what they were doing before being unfairly copped off, wait and see.
Opinions aside E3's been great so far and even Nintendo have had games I've been interested in like Smash Bros. and Legend Of Zelda which although not surprises are certainly welcome.
Look at BF3 pre-alpha footgae, it hasn't improved that much; I'm inclined to agree, looks more like dlc or a BF3 mod than a fully fledged sequel. DICE should have gone on to make Bad Company 3 or 2143, Bad Company 2 is widely considered better than Battlefield 3, granted BF3 has better visuals and works better in close quarters but Bad Company had a more interesting campaign with amusing characters as well as superion multiplayer map design and sniper mechanics.
Best shooters at E3 in my opinion are Killzone: Shadowfall and Destiny.
Looks alright and does have something of CoD 4 about it but it's decidedly not as next-gen as Killzone: Shadowfall or Destiny which in my opinion have had the strongest fps showings of E3. Killzone looks like a Crysis sequel done right and somewhat rival Crysis 3 on high and ultra settings on P; I'd argue it's the best looking next-gen game. Destiny looks to be another fine showing by Bungie who have thankfully broken away from the restraints of the Halo universe for a new ip that looks utterly compelling.
I'm aware a lot of you will be backing Battlefield 4 but both visually and gameplay-wise if you remove the marginal improvement of destruction it looks like a Battlefield 3 mod to me and no more impressive than what Battlefield 3 already is. DICE should have announced another Bad Company entry or a 2142 sequel with Bad Company being stronger than the main franchise in my opinion, underwhelmed big time by BF4.
@maek123 Have to say I strongly agree, this reviews far too short and seems incredibly biased and unprofessional for a multitude of reasons. Putting the score aside, the review itself is poor, I've read many amateur user reviews which have gone into more detail.
I often find Tom and Carolyns reviews lackluster. No one quite compares to Kevin V or Greg K.
Saw this yesterday, clearly to prove a point. Unprofessional Tom.
Had this score been justified there wouldn't be this backlash, you've mentioned one "flaw"; correct me if I'm wrong but that doesn't sound like a -2. Personally I see this as a 9.0-9.5 game from what I've played, read and seen, nearer the latter. Until I've completed it I won't know whether i'd give is 10.
Tom likes to be "different"", just look at his I am Alive review, largely inconsistent with his own and others review criteria. I'm sure in his mind this gives his reviews more credibility.
Scoring never generally bothers me but I'm bothered by the fact so many other reviewers have lauded it with praise, many have claimed game of this generation but that's besides the point. McShea had a twitter debate with a user who claimed he knew the scores by 13 outlets a few days ago, included Gamespot and implied they were all over 93/100 ratio.
McShea responded something along the lines of "you have no idea what score I will give". To prove a point the score is lower.... the single mentioned flaw warrants a two point deduction? 8 score games are no doubt good but this is beyond that and up there with the generation defining titles like Portal 2, Red Dead Redemption, Bioshock Infinite, Assassin's Creed 2, Arkham City...etc.
MEDzZ3RO's comments