While I play TF2 on PC a lot, I was a bit surprised to see no one is playing it on 360, it's such as amzing MP game, and it definately deserves the attention on 360.
On top of owning it for PC.
no1 plays TF2 on 360? i play it almost every day without any problems,except occasional matches with lag. i knows tons of ppl who are playing this outdated vers. of TF2. im not about to throw out a cpl of thousands to upgrade a PC then bbuy the game again. valve needs to take care of their 360 gamers better.
Not trying to cause problems here, but who told you that The Orange Box would cost you a couple thousand to run?! Anyways, I'm a PC gamer at heart, but I'm glad that console only gamers get to experience the awesome-ness of the Half-Life series.
I've gotten pretty tired of GTA4 and I all ready beat Ninja Gaiden 2. Would trading those both in for Warhawk and Burnout Paradise be worth while? They also have a used copy of GRID, but I'm not sure if it's worthwhile. Thanks in advance
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