MGS-GrayFox's forum posts
Oh yeah[QUOTE="avataraang1"][QUOTE="expanded"]:lol: :lol: its the cheat for HP+ weapons +armor
LOL ring my bell ringa ringa ringasolaris1979
Good ol' memory of all the bindings and impulses and preferences before FPS was dumbed down for the console crowds.
Indeed...I don't know about you, but Unreal Tournament comes to mind. UT3 feels so watered down on both the PS3 and PC.
Here's a nice little guide for ya man.
Should answer most of your questions. 8)
[QUOTE="MGS-GrayFox"]Just got my PS3, but I've been online for the past few days in the MGO Beta. I think the PS3's online servie is great, I just wish people used their mics more often =(ENDOT12123
man add me ITS_ENDOT i always use my mic, and i get wat u mean alot of people dont, but yee add me k
Cool man, just finished adding ya, see ya online
well did you buy the game yet or what? if you want more game experiences, i'd get ac and resistance. but if you want the best value, id get cod4. the multiplayer will keep you playing for monthsjsmoke03
I bought Assassin's Creed, Resistance and Ninja Gaiden, but they told me if for any reason in the next 7 days if I wanted to return them I could. Just trying to make sure I made the right decision =)
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