without that dead island base for the statue what all do you have? Some random torso that is dismembered but somehow the boobs are left untouched lol If I were to walk into somebody's room and see that, I would be a bit worried for the person. This is nothing more than some merchandise that wants to stir up trouble but still get sales.
Despite the d-pad option, anybody could paint their controller that color, toss their controller on concrete and use old bandages with blood on it and make a replica for less money.
@thebeachguy90 @Deus_Omega it was also obvious at last e3 as well as the latest news sources for 360....the xbox is more of an entertainment box rather than a gaming console now.
hmmm looks interesting, although the new age legendary pokemon still look stupid as hell. What would really make it even better is having battle animations like super robot wars but this should suffice.
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