MJ0LNIR_SPARTAN's forum posts
I'm looking to get into an MMORPG and do not recommend WoW because i've already played that garbage. It's between FFXI or Guild Wars. I already own GW Factions and Nightfall and Plan on purchasing prophecies and eye of the north. If I have all four will I unlock exclusive content while playing the first one for the first time?
Both games are very good but it all comes down to what style of RPG you want. Neverwinter Nights 2 is an isometric (top down) point and click game where Gothic 3 is a third person action game. I personally enjoyed both games a lot. If you do purchase Gothic 3 make sure you patch it before you play it. The release version of the game is very buggy.thanatose
Firmly Agree. I would go with Gothic III
For me oblivion was about as close to fable as it gets. I know its not the same type exactly, but its a safe bet. Great game, but the whole oblivion part sucks.harrisi17
I can't say that I agree with the first part, but oblivion is an excellent game. For me it didn't live up to the 200 hours of gameplay that everyone said it had. I beat it in 95hours on XBOX 360 and I did all of the sidequests and got all the armor and weapons. I would immagine with the expansions that it would be around 140 hours. I think i'm going to replay Oblivion and then buy the expansions.
Gothic III. It has basically the same fighting system and the graphics style is almost the same. The game is only $20, but make sure to patch it before you play it becauset then you will have serious issues.
Ok First I'll post my specs and then tell you what I can run it at.
My Specs: Intel QX6700 Quadcore CPU 3.2GHZ, 4GB RAM (2X 2GB @667MHZ), 2x nVidia 768MB 8800GTX SLI, AGEIA 128MB PhysX Card, Creative SoundBlaster X-Fi XtremeMusic (D) soundcard, Windows XP, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Ultimate x64, nVidia 680i SLI motherboard, 1000W PSU, and 2407WFP 24in Dell Monitor (1920x1200).
Let me start by saying that I dualboot os's so i'll post up specific specs for the games on each os.
Windos XP Specs: Let me start off by saying that on Windows XP you can not put the settings on Ultra High because XP does not support DX10. Now, I get 60fps with everything on high including motion blur with a resolution of 1920x1200 and with AA at 2x. I can lower the resolution to 1680x1050 and up the AA to 4x, but I don't want to.
Windows Vista: With all of Windows Vista visual stuff the game will certainly run slower. I can get 60fps if I put everything on HIGH except for Texture detail which I put to Ultra High with a resolution of 1920x1200 and AA off. If I lower the resolution then I can have AA at 2x.
Overall: I would recommend that with your new pc you get both Windows XP and Windows Vista. Try to get atleast 2gb of ram. Corsair Dominator would be really good. For the video cards try to get atleast 2 8600GT or if you have the cash certainly get better. You can buy a QX6600 Quadcore cpu for around $350. As for the monitor I would certainly not get one that exceeds 1680x1050. Try to get one that is 1440x900.
That's normal. To max out crysis you need a quadcore cpu and 3 video cards with 4gb of ram. My current rig has a QX6700 quadcore cpu @3.2ghz, 4gb RAM (2x2GB @667mhz), 2x nVidia 768mb 8800gtx SLI, 128mb PhysX Card, and a creative soundblaster x-fi xtreme soundcard. If I put it at 1920x1200 with everything on high including motion blur and with AA at 2x then I can run it at 60fps no problem. However as soon as I start increasing the AA frame rate drops. I have the patch and i'm running it on windows xp. When I run it on vista I can run it at 60fps with AA off and all of the previous settings at high and even some at ultra high. XP doesn't support ultra high I guess because there is no DX10. Sorry if my post is confusing i'm really tired. One more thing crysis has f*****d up progamming. It's ridiculous and makes no sense that the only pcs that can run it are ones with tripple sli and quadcore with 4gb of ram running at 1066mhz.
I don't want to burst your bubble or anything, but my PC is superior to yours. You have 1 8800gtx and I have two. You have 4 1gb sticks and I have 2 2gb sticks. You have dual core and I have quadcore. You have a 20in monitor and I have a 24in monitor. I also have a PhysX card and 1TB of HDD space that you do not have. I have 3 os (xp, vista, vista x64). Please ask me to post pictures if you do not believe me. Sorry I forgot to mention my 1000w PSU and my Wii, PS3, and 3 360's with over 80 games and around 13 controllers. Seriously if you want to make yourself feel better by bashing on console gamers trying competing with me.
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