MJ0LNIR_SPARTAN's forum posts
[QUOTE="Coolboy420x"][QUOTE="analog10"][QUOTE="FIREBURNER21"]Maybe developers will start switching focus on developing first on the PS3 and then port to the other platformsFIREBURNER21
Thats how it should be done.
When that day comes, I'll announce PS3 the ultimate winner (it'll happen sooner or later)
I think it will start sooner than later....2008 looks like its going to be Sony's year at dominating the competition...There first party and second party lineups are going to rock next year and I dont see the rivals with that many big releases next year....
You are either misinformed or just plain ignorant.
[QUOTE="analog10"][QUOTE="FIREBURNER21"]Maybe developers will start switching focus on developing first on the PS3 and then port to the other platformsCoolboy420x
Thats how it should be done.
When that day comes, I'll announce PS3 the ultimate winner (it'll happen sooner or later)
First off that day won't come. Also no it shouldn't be like that. Maybe from your point of view it should, but considering XBOX 360 has a lot bigger marketshare and more potential with DLC they made the correct choice finance wise. Also it has been well proven 360 has a better GPU and more RAM.
I would say 80gb. I used to have both the 60gb and the 20gb. Overall 80gb is the best value. So what if backwards compatibility is only 75%. PS2 games have been outdated for a few years now. 40gb has no backwards compatibility, but does come with Spider-Man 3, which I happened to buy today on blu ray. The movie is lackluster and i'd choose more gbs and motorstorm over that combo any day of the week. Also the 40gb only has 2 usb ports.
XBOX Live works anywhere as long as you have a broadband internet connection and have the correct ports open. I know it's not listed on their website, but I have online friends from other developing countries that aren't featured on the list. All you have to do is choose a country where XBL is supported and that's it. BTW, I've vacationed in egypt and it's really nice. Also for the guy attacking the TC how would he know what goes down when he is most likely your typical american filled up with credit card debit who can go on vacation once every 10years or so. I'm a american too the only difference is that i'm understanding of other cultures because I travel often. If America is where it's at why is it that the Canadian Dollar, GBP, and Euro are all worth more than our dollar? Why is it that teens here wear American Eagle while in Europe it's not uncommon to see teens wear Lacoste or designer clothes such as D&G? Why is it that the whole economy is suffering? Why is it that I need to import clothes from europeandcell phonesbecause they lack the qaulity here? Dood get legit.
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