MJ0LNIR_SPARTAN's forum posts
1. HALO 3- Simply just the greatest game of all time. Clears everything up in SP unless you are too stupid to read between the lines. Improves on the MP. Also adds in forge mood. A lot can be said.
2. HALO - Revolutionized console FPS due to no other good console FPS out other than the outdated Goldeneye. It also introduced groundbreaking graphics on a console and intense multiplayer.
3. HALO 2 - Lacking in the SP department, but certianly makes up for it in the MP department. It also revolutionized console online gaming and had an innovative lobby system. Also was the highest engrossing media product that is until HALO 3.
4. FABLE / FABLE TLC - Not sure what exactly it was about this game, but damn does it have me hooked even to this day.
5. Goldeneye - Argueably the first amazing console fps experiemnt. Basically every teen'sfavorite childhood game and it lad the roots for HALO.
Another notable mention is TLoZ:Ocarin of Time. 10/10 anyone?
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