MJ0LNIR_SPARTAN's forum posts
mine is "die,die, and eat" It used to be "want some Jesus fudge?"sofika8
Your rig isn't awesome. It's well below today's pc standards for gaming.
Not really sure, but I think the $10 price tag is justified. Ok well idk about justified, but I don't mind it.
1. Gears of War has an excellent single player however the multiplayer isn't that great. The bullet lag and host advantage as well as the people who glitch just ruin it. If you get a good group of friends to play with it can be fun, but i'd recommend HALO 3.
2. Skate is probably the best skating game out right now. It makes Tony Hawk look like trash.
3. Ninety-Ning Nights was never played by me, but judging by reviews it looks horrible. I was actually anticipating it at one point.
4.Same reasons as three however I never anticipated this game.
5. Crackdown is a very fun game, but the magic doesn't last long, atleast not for me. The Co-Op is great and overall it is a AA game. Very creative.
I finally broke down and bought an Xbox360 elite! :) It should arrive in 5-7 days. I have ps3 but couldn't help myself, Halo 3, Bioshock, and a bunch of other games look too fun to miss.
Any suggestions on what games to get? I like just about everything except sports games. I like Action Adventure, FPS, arcade racers, survival horror and rpg's.
Also, I know I will need to get a wireless network adaptor and xbox live gold, is there anything else I will be needing?
Action Adventure: Assassin's Creed**... Racer: PGR 3, PGR 4, Burnout, Test Drive Unlimited... FPS:G.R.A.W., G.R.A.W. 2, F.E.A.R., HALO, HALO 2, R6: Vegas, CoD2, CoD 3, CoD 4***... Survival Horror: Bioshock*, Condemned Criminal Origins, Condemned 2**, RE5**... RPG: Blue Dragon, Enchanted Arms, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey**... TPS: GeOW, Lost Planet... Aracde: Pacman, Galaga, Geometry Wars, Sonic, Sonic 2, Hexic 2...
* = Not sure under which category to place
** = The game hasn't been released yet.
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