[QUOTE="Videodogg"]I love my hd-dvd add on player. I use it a lot more than my ps3 for hi definition movies. i would not worry about the format war. For the price you will get a lot of enjoyemnt out of it. If your really worried...just rent hd-dvds from netflix. Sora311
what about renting from blockbuster?? oh wait that's right.. sorry had to.
What about the screen tearing that occurs on blu ray movies and the green and purple bars that come up every 20min or so. Don't even down play that because I have both a PS3 and a Samsung BP-1000. Oh wait I forgot, what about the fact that HD DVD uses better video formats. Gocheck out a timeline of all the new sony formats that came out, that tried to take over the mainstream. Quick summary they all failed.Go watch umd's on your psp.
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