I think they have alot. One would be other religions. Like the Indians believed in Spirits and ect. I think it was just demons messing with them. The 50s period till now.. I think when drug use rose, that was a gateway for demons to corrupt the youth and create rock and ect. Well that`s what I believe. Meh___Guylets dissect this statement
"the Indians believed in Spirits and ect. I think it was just demons messing with them." u think christianity the only way? we dont even know if its right!!! wat if christianity actually satan's work and buddhism or hinduism is god's true religion
"I think when drug use rose, that was a gateway for demons to corrupt the youth and create rock and ect." drugs was here before rock was here. therefore, god created it. and rock is not the devil music and if it is at least it sounds good
and u write etc not ect
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