MXVIII's comments

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Edited By MXVIII

Raquor: Actually load times should be significantly faster on the PS3 because of the large discs. See files on the big consoles have to be compressed and loading times also include the time it takes for the game system to uncompress all of those files. the Xbox had faster load times for certain games because it began loading off the hard drive which had so much space that you didnt have to compress so much stuff. You see a hard drive is just a very large spinning disk mate.

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Edited By MXVIII

The Reason there are no AGP Specs is because PCI-express is the new standard and are what people should be looking into. If someone has an AGP card it will be just as obscolete as quicken in the next 6-12 months. Same as 256mb or RAM, 512mb is the new standard so youll never see any computer with a Mobo of only 256mb of RAM, not even compaq sells a computer like that.